Page 105 of Daughter of Sherwood

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“Aye, I do.” Little John cleared his throat and studied his soldiers. “I know the histories of every one of you. I know you like brothers. We didn’t choose this life, lads, we were forced into it. And the authorities, the nobility, they make our lives as hard as possible. It’s always been that way.”

“Then why make it easier for ‘em by holding one of their own hostage?” Stump asked.

“Because she is leverage, mate—”

“She’s more than that.”

I spun to the voice with a sharp inhale.

Will Scarlet strode forward, a scowl on his face. He swept a hand to me. “Robin of Wilford is the only reason there wasn’t bloodshed today in Ravenshead, men. She controlled me . . . against my wishes.”

A smattering of chuckles broke through the crowd.

My heart soared at Will’s announcement. Especially after saying I wasn’t going to earn his thanks for today, this was even better, more heartfelt. He’d stood up for me. Never in my wildest dreams—

“Aye, and she’s a better shot than me with a bow,” Alan-a-Dale chirped. “Caught us our supper last eve.”

“That’s not saying much, minstrel,” Stump said with a low laugh. Others joined in.

Alan smiled. “True enough. I’d wager she’s a finer shot than any of you sorry bastards, too.”

That drew a unified, incredulous gasp.

Friar Tuck said, “She helped move a needle when I needed hands, which provided countless younglings with better clothes on their backs. Could anyone here have sewn a dress?”

That shut the gasps down. The men looked around shamelessly, some of them finding interesting things to look at on the ground.

Little John nodded along. “Aye, I misspoke. We aren’t holding Robin because she’s leverage against the Sheriff or anyone else, or even because she’s an asset. Most importantly, men, she wants to be here.”

He spun on me, eyes imploring. Painting me a target.

My body tensed.

“Her life hasn’t been all fluffed pillows and silver platters, lads. She’s earned her place with the Merry Men . . . if she wants it.”

My lips and throat were dry. I tried swallowing anyway. My eyes darted around the crowd, begging for an answer to come to me.

“Don’t do it, sister,” Robert warned me.

I chewed my lip incessantly.

“Little thorn?” Will blurted.

I nodded once, twice, thrice. My voice came out shaky. “Y-Yes. Yes, I think I, erm, I do.”

Incredulous, Stump waved a hand at me. “The whores are one thing, Little John, but we’ve never had a woman as a full-fledged member!”

Little John scowled at the big man, stepping closer to him with menace on his face. “We aren’t a guild, Brandon. We don’t have members. She’s under my protection, so if you want to get to her, you have to go through me.”

“And me,” Friar Tuck said.

“Goddammit, me too,” Alan groaned.

Will waited the longest. All eyes on him. “I’ll skewer you like a stuck pig before I let you lay a hand on what’s mine, Stump.”

My eyes bulged at his threat.

Stump backed down, nodding. To his credit, he accepted the vote—not that he had much alternative.
