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My low words ignited the fire inside Little John’s powerful body. He grunted with a nod, continued to lift me by my sides, and settled me between his legs.

The man could hoist me and use me like I was his own personal doll. It made me feel filthy and excited.

My corruption was nearly complete, and I was begging for it. My hands roamed over his body, into his shirt, as he leaned back against the flat stone behind him.

My feet landed on the tops of his thighs, my knees bent, and I crouched on him, staring down as he felt around in his pants.

Little John heaved himself out of the tight, stretched confines. My breath hitched at the sight of him—the base of him thick and imposing. I helped pull his pants down as he shifted his weight.

When his pants went to his knees, his freed cock swung out like a catapult, swinging against his stomach with a loud, fleshy slap.

I gawked at the glistening head, a wide ridge that looked impossible to accommodate with any hole on my body. I knew what came next, but I was scared.

The man was massive. I’d already known that, but he was so much bigger than when I’d seen him soft and relaxed in the river. Now he was enormous and throbbing.

I quickly shimmied out of my clothes then balanced on his thighs, rising to the balls of my feet.

He guided me by my waist, hands wrapping around me. His fingertips nearly met in the middle. His palms fell to my hips, wider and billowing as I lowered, watching with a wide-eyed expression the whole time.

My wetness trickled onto the head of his giant cock and down the sides of his ridge like a volcano. My legs were parted, I was crouched on him, yet he was long enough to reach my aching entrance.

“You’re going to be a good girl and take my cock, aren’t you, little star?” he asked in a deep, dark voice.

I nodded diligently.

His cockhead pushed up into me, spreading my lips as he lowered me onto him. The whimper in my mouth became a long mewl. I continued to watch between my legs as I was stretched, stuffed, and filled.

“Christ save me,” I gasped, my voice hoarse, “you’re too big, John. Please, it’s stretching me too wide!”

I didn’t know what to do. Was I going to die? There was resistance. I’d never done this before. Having my first time be with someone so well-endowed started to make me doubt myself.

But Little John petted me softly, calming me with his soothing baritone voice that rumbled deep to my belly. “You can take it, lass. You’re stronger than you think. Start slow, work your way onto it, and take your time.”

“And what will you do?” I asked, his words encouraging me.

His eyes flared like embers. “I will watch you work, Robin. I will watch your beautiful body bounce on mine at your own speed.”

“Then what?”

“. . . And then I’ll take over. When you’re ready. I’ll take over, and I promise I won’t give you the benefit of deciding the pace.”

I gasped again. What a heathen. A pure barbarian, speaking to me like that. “You promise?”

I wanted it. So badly. The pain that began when his cock surged the first few inches into me was subsiding. My wetness made me able to slide lower onto his shaft. Not too low, because his size was ridiculous to comprehend, but enough that the pleasure won out.

And the pleasure really won out—shooting through me like spurts of lightning striking through my body. Hitting me in my deepest, most tender spots. Starting at my belly and roiling through me.

I felt my eyes roll when I had half of him hilted, and knew I could go no further.

“Yes,” he said, and I wasn’t sure how much time had passed, or what he was talking about. I was addled. “Yes, I promise to fuck you into a mindless mess, little star.”

My jaw dropped.

He bucked his hips—as a teaser—and his cock slammed inside me, stretching my tunnel even wider. My eyelids fluttered and I let out a sharp moan.

My hands shot out to hold onto his shoulders, as leverage. Then I started sliding up and down. Rising to Heaven and descending on his hellish cock.

I moved faster once I had him sheathed inside me with nowhere to go. It became fun, exciting, and a smile curved my lips. “Do you worst, sir. I dare you.”
