Page 133 of Huntress of Sherwood

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Ada chewed her lip nervously, and Gracie implored me with her big eyes that looked so much like her sister’s.

“It will all make sense when I talk to you,” I said. “But the last part of it is . . . you can’t tell anyone.”

Chapter 39

Alan a Dale

Iwaited for quietness to envelop the camp before rising from the cot in my tent. I spun my legs over the side, then slid on my breeches.

It was a dark night, with the moon muffled by clouds, a gentle fog sweeping up through the nearby lowlands.

Perfect for some clandestine activity.

My nerves were fraught as I tiptoed out of my tent, poking my head out first to have a look around. I spotted two guards at the edge of camp facing southeast, toward Nottingham, where any trouble might come from. We had another man looking west, just in case. No one kept watch to the north, because no one ever came from that way. There wasn’t even a road over there.

Exiting my tent, I swept through camp like a wraith, keeping my footfalls quiet and stealthy.

Yes, I could raise a ruckus and play a tune fit for gods. But I could also be a sneaky son of a bitch when I wanted, and that quality aided me now.

I noted Robin’s tent in the distance and grinned to myself. I knew why my heart was rampaging in my chest so harshly, blood rushing in my ears. It feels like months since I’ve lain with my little songbird. Even though it’s been little less than a week . . . I cannot stand it anymore. Now that she’s back, I have to have her.

She would understand. I doubted she even slept right now. Hell, there was a chance another Merry Man was already in her shelter, likely Little John or our angry little badger, since Friar Tuck was still healing from his wounds.

I wouldn’t be deterred. Not from at least seeing her and telling her how I felt. How much she stirred my blood, and how it was difficult for me to even walk through camp without my hard cock protruding at awkward angles in my breeches with her constantly on my mind.

I would ease my tension, and ease hers at the same time. She would welcome the distraction, I knew, because a lot weighed on Robin’s mind these days. She was becoming distant, and I needed to do everything in my power to rip her back to the present.

Even if the five of us couldn’t be together at the same time, because of Tuck’s injury, we could work our way there.

When I slipped past a few other darkened tents and came to Robin’s, I took a deep breath. Then I gently pulled the flap back, standing in the shadow of the entry without a speck of moonlight to illuminate me from behind. Like a shadowy apparition.

I started to step into the tent—

But something stilled me.

Tilting my head, I studied the dark form of Robin as she slept on her cot. I couldn’t make out more than the vague shape of her frame in the darkness. Body splayed out, one arm hanging over the edge, while the other was draped across her face as she slept on her side. As if she’d plopped down face-first and immediately fallen into a deep, deep slumber.

Guilt filled me. The lass is so damned tired. I pouted, eyebrows arching helplessly. For a moment, I listened to her soft, measured breathing. So quaint, so endearing, so mine.

Then I shook my head with a gentle sigh.

I can’t do it. I can’t wake her from such a peaceful sleep, surrounded by the safety of her men. Probably the first proper rest she’s had in ages, being on the road so much.

My cock could wait. Even Robin’s pleasure could wait—at least until morning—though I knew I’d be tossing and turning tonight thinking only about her.

I debated shuffling in there anyway, if only to sleep next to her and feel her warm, perfect body pressed against mine.

Even that seemed like a violation. It would only work to wake her, and I didn’t want Robin to feel coerced whatsoever.

So I left the tent. Leaving my little songbird in the land of dreams, where I knew she was safest.

I paused halfway to my tent and slanted my head curiously when I passed Will Scarlet’s abode.

If I couldn’t wake Robin, then perhaps I could at least lose myself inside Will and have a fun romp for the evening. It wouldn’t be Robin, of course, but it would relieve us both.

Shrugging, I tossed the flap of his tent aside and barged in—a complete flip to the gentleness with which I had entered Robin’s tent.

I opened my mouth to proclaim my need to bury my cock inside Will and stroke him until completion—
