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A tight fist wrapped around my heart.

Maybe it wasn’t the arguing I missed, but simply the camaraderie between Little John and the rest of the Merry Men. I fucking miss you, Little John. More than anything.

“You aren’t going to let this go, are you?” Will asked softly once I’d fallen quiet and simply stared at him for an exhausting amount of time.

Truth be told, I could stare at him all day, and never become exhausted. “No, I’m not.”

He sighed heavily. “You’re the boss, little thorn. I won’t undermine your authority by going against this. Even if I think it’s a foolish idea.”

“Duly noted.”

I turned to walk back to the road to tell Much the Miller’s Son the good news—

And an iron band wrapped around my wrist.

With a gasp, I was twirled back toward Will—hard—and my chest smacked flush against his. Even as he spun me, his arm wrapped around my waist and tugged me closer, in a delectably possessive way.

My breath shot from my lungs.

He slammed his lips over mine in a needy, abrupt embrace. He inhaled my breath and then pulled back, leaving me dazed, warm, and panting as I stared into his eyes.

“I’ll burn the whole world down before I let another man strike you like that, Robin.”

A boulder formed in my dry throat, and I nodded wordlessly.

“Don’t forget what I said,” he grunted.

“You’re, erm, going to teach me fighting and fleeing when we return.”

“And you’re going to listen and learn like a good girl, aren’t you?”

I nodded dumbly, my mind awash in a heady haze. “Yes, sir.”

A devious smile curled his lips. “Good. Because I have so much to show you.”

Chapter 5

Will Scarlet

The trek back to our camp northeast of Nottingham took the rest of the night. We only approached the camp once a gray dawn had broken through the night. We had spent time taking the bodies from the road and hiding them in the trees, which was valuable time wasted, and making sure our two dead comrades were brought back with us to be given proper burials.

The entire journey back, I couldn’t get Robin’s mischievous little smirk out of my mind. The way her lips felt flush against mine, warm and puffy and perfect. I ached for her, as I always did, but my need and lust burgeoned during my times of rage and frustration. It was when I let my emotions guide my actions with violence that I needed her most. Not to dampen my spirit, but to fuel my fiery soul.

I tried to keep the thought of her out of my mind. When you’re putting one hoof in front of the other, swaying on horseback for hours on end, staring at dull trees, it was difficult to guide your mind down the correct path.

Instead, I fought the hard straining in my pants the entire way, and felt as if my steed even gave me an incredulous look over its muscled shoulder at one point, snorting with derision.

Our trek was made slower by the two carriages we were bringing back to camp. If nothing else, the carts themselves were a good haul. Inside held more treasure: textiles, expensive garments, a few chests of fine cutlery.

Thinking about the garments, I pursed my lips and wondered if Robin was keeping something from us. Heiress to the most powerful textiles merchant in the land, and we just happen to rob another esteemed clothing trader?

My, my, little thorn. Perhaps our deceitful, corruptible ways are rubbing off on you. Because if I didn’t know any better, I’d think this entire operation was a front for you to eliminate competition.

The idea that Robin had ulterior motives with this job made me smile wickedly. Even if I was wrong, having our innocent little girl turned into a scheming mastermind made me harder than ever.

“Christ, Scarlet, there are children present,” Alan-a-Dale said, riding up behind me. His chin nudged toward the protrusion throbbing along my thigh.

I flushed, turning away. “There wouldn’t be if it was up to me.”

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