Page 44 of Devil in the Dark

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He tells me it’s for the show, but I think he just likes messing with me. He knows he’s thrown my equilibrium off balance, and he likes it. He’s a devil. Really, he is.

Still, I don't mind going. I should, but I don't.

Dangerous as it is, I like to be around him.

I focus on the avocado I’m mashing with a fork, avoiding Tav with everything I have as we prepare for the night ahead. It’s our turn to host, and since we were rained out of the last pool party, today, it’s all about the pool. I'm exhausted. Even Remira didn't keep me this busy. Still, there's no way I'm backing out of this.

Backing out would mean he wins, and I won’t let that happen.

In preparation for the party, I ordered a swimsuit and sexy wrap from Laurier Lines, with the intent to drive Tav mad. It's only fair, considering I've been hot and bothered for an entire week.

From the other side of the counter, Tav’s deep voice breaks the silence. “You need to up your game, Princess, you want to win that car.”

My head snaps up, the fork pausing mid-mash. “What? There's nothing wrong with my game.”

“I disagree.”

My mouth drops. How can he disagree? I’ve been at the man’s beck and call for a week.

“I'm pretty sure everyone thinks we're totally into each other.”

He smirks. My hand curls into a fist around the fork.

“No. They think I'm into you.”

I blink. “Pardon me?”

His eyes drift lazily over my face, that smirk still in place. Agitation rattles in my chest. “I'm the one who can't keep my hands off you.”

“W—well,” I sputter. “It's not like I'm pushing your hands off me.”

“Yeah. But it's not like you're eager to touch me, either.”

Well, that's not true. Not entirely.

My voice sounds hesitant. “You want me to not be able to keep my hands off you?”

He shrugs. “Personally, I prefer you lose, and we can get this whole thing over with.”


“That's not going to happen. So, consider yourself disappointed.”

He chuckles, and like it’s a dare, mutters, “We'll see.”

I stew over his words for a minute as I decimate the poor avocado. Then, when the agitation gets the better of me, I huff, “I don't know how to play the seductress.”

“Maybe you shouldn't have made this bet then, Princess.”

Why is he such an asshole? “Fine. I'll touch you more. Happy?”

“Nope.” But he's grinning, so I really can't tell.

Does he want me to touch him?

I don't have time to get into the nitty gritty of that chaos as the doorbell chimes. Tav watches me with that maddening grin still in place, not moving to answer.

I glare. He winks, not dropping the smirk even a fraction.
