Page 48 of Devil in the Dark

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When she wiggles in my arms, mine pulse around her once before I release her. She swims the short distance to the ledge and pulls herself up. The short blue wrap she wears tied around her hips to make her showy bikini less showy, hides the ass I’d been hoping for a peek at.

I swim to the edge, resting my arms over the lip as I look up at her. Blue eyes meet mine, and something tightens in my chest.

I can’t fix what I said, but I can make her come back to me. “Bring me one, too.”

I say it loud enough for everyone to hear, and I know when her eyes sweep the crowd behind me before coming back to mine, a hidden glare in the deeps of those magnetic blues, that she knows what I’ve done.

I almost think she’s going to reject me. Instead, she smiles and says sweetly, “Sure.”



I can’t take my eyes off the little woman who’s fast ruining life as I know it. She’s mixing drinks at the bar. I should have told her to grab me a beer, but I’d just asked for a drink, so I guess it’s dealers’ choice.

“Looks like you read what I sent you.” Ian’s words pulls my attention from Olympia to him. He’s sitting on the edge of the pool on my other side, and when I glance back at Olympia, Candace is leaning a hip into the bar, and they’re talking.

I don’t know why, but I worry about her with Candace a bit. Candace is clever, and Olympia, I’m finding, might not be the master of manipulation I first thought she was.

“You know I did.”

“Is the goal still to get her gone?”

Since I’m not sure what the goal is anymore, and I’m pissed that I’m not sure, I mutter, “Yep.”

Ian’s jaw tightens, but he nods. Thankfully, he doesn’t get the chance to say anything more because the girls are on their way back to us. Wrenlee defeats Nevaeh with a loud splash and a cheer, and then the guys are dragging their women closer to where we sit.

Candace lowers next to Ian, and I watch as he slings an arm over her shoulder, tucking her close before I give my attention to Olympia. Once it’s on her, it’s not going anywhere. The woman is beautiful, and even though I’m more than aware she’s too young for me, as the days pass, it’s hard not to think of her as a woman. As mine.

She’ll be twenty in just over a month. Fuck.

Lowering to the side of the pool in front of me, Olympia hands me my drink. I can’t take my eyes off the curve of her thighs. They’re thick and smooth and I want to feel them wrapped around my waist.

Giving my head a sharp shake, I ignore the way Ian eyeballs me and I move in closer to her, one arm resting against the side of her thigh as I lift the rum and coke to my lips—and almost choke.

Woman’s trying to kill me with rum.

My thoughts must be carved in my expression, because both Candace and Olympia burst with laughter. Because I have a point to prove, I lift the drink and take another big gulp. I take the burn without a wince, watching as Olympia’s eyes widen and her puffy pink lips part in shock. I take another big drink and, voice low as the others talk, I lean close to Olympia. “Retribution, Princess.”

Those wide blue eyes flash with a moment of fear before she does what she thinks is smart and drops over the edge of the pool into the water. She’s swimming for the other side, for what she thinks is escape as I drain the last of my too-strong drink—to prove I can—then I follow after.

At the sound of my splash, Olympia squeaks. The sound has something predatory swelling inside my chest as I launch myself through the water, hunting her. I catch her ankle, and her shriek splits through the night as I drag her back through the water toward me. Someone laughs behind me, but I don’t turn to see who it is as I watch Olympia flip in the water to face me. The burn of the rum sears inside my chest as I catch her around the waist and tug her to me as she thrashes, her fight delicious even as I crush her front to my chest.

Tipping my face to hers, I smirk. “Did you really think I wouldn’t catch you?”

Warm breath pushes between her lips, tasting sweet like her. I want to inhale her. I want to pull the scent of sweet peas and rain so deep into my lungs that I taste her with every exhale.

“What are you going to do?” Anticipation rattles in her lungs as a dare sparks fire in her eyes.

I want to ruin you.

For any other man who dares to approach you, baby, I want to fucking ruin you.

“I’ll think of something,” I taunt instead. My hands move from her waist to her thighs, and I lift her off the toes she bounces on to wrap her legs around my waist. As her arms loop around my neck and her breasts brush against my chest, my semi-hard cock swells to its full length and girth. This. Fucking. Woman.

Tipping her head to the side, her eyes hold mine as she whispers her challenge, “I’m waiting.”

My hands slide from her thighs to her ass. As I grip her sweet ass, her entire body tenses. The sparkle of challenge in her eyes vanishes as dread overtakes it. For a moment, confusion knocks in my chest as my mind plays catch-up.
