Page 74 of Devil in the Dark

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“I couldn’t take the chance of Remira finding out. But it’s all done now. And my little hobby made sure she has nothing. Nothing at all.”

“The gambling?”

“I don’t have a problem with gambling, Olympia. That was a calculated move, a loss I was willing to pay to hit her where it would hurt. I didn’t foresee her giving you to Darius, but when she did, I made sure that wouldn’t go through as well.” He shrugs. “Now, all she has is the Taviera’s and their generosity to keep her from living like the poor folk she despises so much. She can be at their mercy the way she intended for you to be at their mercy. I honestly,” his shoulders fall forward. “I honestly don’t care.”

It's my turn to talk. “She won’t have them, because I have everything, I need to destroy them. All of them.”

William’s eyes meet mine and he says simply, “Good.”

“Including Ophelia. When I take down the rest, they’ll see the inside of a prison cell, and have nothing to their names. I’ve been assured all assets will be seized, and I will be the sole owner of Taviera Cruise and Shipping, as per my grandfather’s will and the stipulations he set in place for the shares of his company, any criminal activity by either myself or Darius has the shares transferring to the law-abiding brother, which, in this case, is me. With my mother’s shares in my rightful possession, as intended, I will hold the company exclusively. I have nothing legal to pin on Ophelia, but I’ll make sure she has not a penny to her name when this is through.”

William doesn’t even flinch. “It’s about time that girl realizes there’s consequences for her actions. You do what you need to do. Just—” his voice softens as his eyes drift to Olympia. “Take care of my baby.”

I turn Olympia in my arms, pressing my lips to her hair as I hold eye-contact with her father. “She’s mine now. And I take care of what’s mine.”



I feel like I’ve been put through the emotional ringer. After Tav woke to find the second Laurier on his porch in as many months, he surprised me by inviting my father inside. I numbly drank coffee and Tav made French toast as I listened to Dad talk about what he hoped was a bright future with me in his life, and at Laurier Lines. I’m not sure how I feel about everything, even now, as I sit tucked next to Tav on the couch. Honestly, I still feel a little numb. A lot shell-shocked.

I want to forgive my dad but…

I just don’t know. As Tav would say, there’s a lot of water under that bridge. It’s murky and toxic and potentially not worth it.

But it’s also potentially worth it…

I just don’t know.

After a very long, emotional, and exciting day (my new car was delivered—yay), Tav sweet talked me into teaching him how to make stovetop popcorn, a bowl of which now sits on my lap, Tav’s hand digging for a fistful before he shovels the whole dang bunch into his mouth. A movie plays on the screen—but I haven’t been watching it. I haven’t really been eating the popcorn, either. My mind is on a reel. It’s spinning like a top.

I still don’t quite know what to make of the revelation Dad dropped.

Tav’s chest expands with a deep breath. My whole body moves with the magnitude of it, because when we sat down on the couch, Tav made sure I was sitting close. So close, I feel his deep inhale, and the sigh that follows on its release.

“Talk to me, Princess.”

“About what?” I ask innocently. Am I really being so obvious?

“You haven’t watched any of this movie, and if you think I’m watching this for my own entertainment, you’re dead wrong.” He shovels another fistful of popcorn into his mouth, and I can’t help but smile because my man loves my popcorn.

“I’m just thinking about everything Dad said.” I shift against his chest. “It’s hard not to. He info dropped hard.”

“Do you believe him?”

I’m silent as I think about that. Really think about it. And then I say, “Yeah, I believe him.”

“Do you want him in your life?”

Again, I think about my answer. Again, I answer, “Yes.”

“That’s all that matters, then.”

“Do you believe him?”

Tav shovels another fistful of popcorn into his mouth, this time, I think to avoid answering. Finally, after what feels like an age, he nods. “I believe him.”

“I sense a but.”
