Page 52 of The Parolee

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He was going to catch up to me soon. As I barreled through the woods, I spotted something that looked like a cave entrance, with a small, low opening.

There was no way my brother’s enormous shoulders were going to fit through that. Maybe I could hide from him in there.

Without stopping to think, I got down on my knees and dove into the dark round opening.

For a moment I wasn’t sure if my ass would fit through, and I clawed desperately on the ground for purchase, and then I was able to scrabble painfully through and I was in the chilly blackness of the cave.

But there were all these little rocks and loose pebbles, and suddenly I seemed to be going headfirst down a steep, pebbly slope oh shit fuck and I tried to backpedal go back up but I couldn’t I was trapped pitching forward. . .

I felt the ground open up before me but suddenly there was a firm grip on my ankle and someone was dragging me back up the slope, my face scraped painfully on all the pebbles and rocks, dirt getting in my nose and mouth.

And my brother yanked me out through the cave opening and back into the fresh air.

I lay there on my belly coughing, my eyes streaming.

My brother put one big boot on either side of me and bent down to offer me his water bottle.

I grabbed it, choking and gagging on the water.

When my coughing finally subsided, I tried to get up, but my brother’s boots were tightly on either side of me, keeping me down.

“What are you doing? Let me up!” I complained.

“Don’t go diving headfirst into unknown caves again,” he retorted acidly.

“Oh, Torin, stop bossing me around!” I cried, belatedly realizing I didn’t exactly have the high ground here.

He chuckled and bent down to the ground, his knees now on either side of me.

“Behave yourself, sister, and I won’t need to.”

I felt his hands at the space where my shirt was tangled up, his fingers moving across my exposed skin, slow calloused tips skimming my flushed heated flesh.

“Don’t you dare!” I shot out at him, struggling like a wildcat, twisting back and forth between his legs.

Torin chuckled again, his big hand moving my sticky hair so my neck was exposed to him.

“I do dare,” he said wickedly. “I caught you. You know I’m going to fuck you whenever I want to. Try to stop me.”

“Let me up,” I raged. “I’ll rip your face off!”

My asshole brother chuckled.

“All right, brat. That sounds more fun anyway.”

And he flipped me over so I was on my back, the breath almost knocked out of me and in one swift motion he had yanked my leggings down to my ankles and he was shoving a knee in between my legs, forcing my thighs to spread for him.

For a second I was frozen in shock and he unzipped his jeans, taking out the thick length of his cock.

“Well?” he asked, looming over me, his harsh lips twisting up. “Aren’t you going to rip my face off?”

I gasped in outrage and he gripped my waist and sunk his cock in me, his movements hard and brutal.

My back arched off the hard ground, my body responding to his mastery with unwilling liquid heat.

I tried to yank his hair, dig my nails into his face, but he only kissed me, the uncompromising hardness of his cock driving into me, making me skid across the damp dirty ground.

“Asshole!” I cried, struggling in his arms, but knowing I was trapped underneath him, under his obsession and his dominance.
