Page 21 of Broken Little Dove

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“Your skin is so soft,” he finally says. His hand and fingers travel a bit higher and his thumb begins to rub a spot on my leg back and forth. He still hasn't looked at me. His hold becomes more firm and my body stiffens. For a split second I question everything that I think I know about him. Is he like his brother after all? Has he just been fighting it and now he’s finally going to take what he wants? Would I fight him? Would I even want to fight him? I realize I'm holding my breath. Then, Callum quickly lets go and stands.

“I'm sorry. Uh, here, put these on.” The words leave his mouth in a rush.

I release the breath I was holding and grab the clothes. I put on the multiple layers of his clothes, smelling of pine and soap. I roll up extra fabric where needed and then I glance at my reflection in the mirror. I look ridiculous, but at least I'll be warm outside. Oh, outside! I haven't been outside since that first time Callum took me out and we watched the stars together. My lungs haven’t filled up with cool fresh air in months. I begin to shake with excitement. Callum hands me a pair of his boots next.

“Better than going out there in your socks or me carrying you the whole time.”

The thought of Callum carrying me, this time while I'm conscious, sends a warmth through my body. I don’t think it's something I would mind, but I don't share that thought, instead I slide into the oversized boots. Callum takes a look at me and starts laughing.

“Callum!” I scold. “I know, I look absurd. But this was your idea!”

“You're literally drowning in my clothes, but honestly, it's really cute.” I look up at him to see him smiling down at me.

“Well, shall we?” I say as I motion to the door.

Before we leave his room, Callum picks the chain up off the floor and opens his bedside table drawer. I spot a handgun before his body blocks my view. Callum turns and heads for his door. My eyes linger a few seconds longer on that drawer. The drawer that holds a gun.

The chilly winter air kisses my face and I inhale deeply then blow out my breath, watching it fog up into the air. I almost let out a moan of pleasure. We walk down the stairs from the porch and I look around, taking in the breathtaking scenery. It’s absolutely beautiful out here. Everything is blanketed in fresh snow. The towering trees surrounding us and the house make it seem like we’re encapsulated in a snow globe. It's truly a winter wonderland out here.

“Follow me,” Callum says after watching me fall in love with the view. “So, how come you don't have a boyfriend?” he asks out of nowhere.

I had mentioned it a while ago but he’s just bringing it up now.

“I have pretty bad luck with men. As you can see.” Hinting towards how I was kidnapped and currently still being held prisoner.

“I imagine men would be groveling at your feet for a chance to be with you,” Callum says.

I pause at his words that surprised me. Is he complimenting me?

“Not exactly. It’s true though, I've never had any luck with the men in my life. Starting with my dad who died when I was a kid. Following that, I had dated three guys. My first relationship was when I was seventeen. We had met in high school and I considered him my first love. Our relationship lasted until we were both twenty-one, but he ended up cheating on me with a couple random chicks he met at bars and completely broke my heart. A year later I got together with a guy who had a major ego problem. I honestly don't know what I saw in him at the time. I think I was still trying to get over my first love. Thankfully the relationship didn't make it to a year. Then there was my most recent ex. He was the first guy that I lived with or should I say who lived with me. I was the one taking care of everything, even most of the bills. He had what I like to call Peter Pan Syndrome. He hated responsibility and just did not want to grow up. We’ve been broken up for a little over a year and I was so glad to have my apartment back all to myself.” I pause and wonder if I just overshared, but Callum is just looking over at me intently, fully listening as we walk further into the woods. So I continue, “Anyway, the only guy I need is Henry. Henry never disappoints me and he’s always been there for me.”

“I’m sorry you dated such assholes. They clearly had no idea what they had.”

I quickly look over to Callum, surprised again by his words. He’s just looking forward into the frosted trees ahead.

“What about you? Girlfriend?”

Callum chuckles, “No. Definitely no girlfriend.”

“Ever?” I ask incredulously.

“I mean, sure, I guess I had one girlfriend.”

“Just one?”

Another laugh falls from Callum’s mouth. Is he being shy?

“As in an actual relationship, yea, only one. Lasted two years when I was twenty.”

“I find it hard to believe you've only been with one woman.”

“I never said I've only been with one woman. I said I only had an actual relationship with one. I’ve—I’ve dated,” he says with a pause.

“You mean fucked. You’ve fucked a lot of women.” I laugh, but something close to jealousy swirls in my belly.

“God, no. I mean, yea, I’ve hooked up with other women here and there over the years but damn, I’m not some man whore. Honestly, I haven’t had the time. I work a lot, I always have and I don't know, I've never been that interested in anybody. Feel like I’m too fucked up anyway,” he confesses and I feel like he didn't mean to let that last part out.

“You’re not fucked up Callum,” I simply state, glancing over to him again meeting his eyes.
