Page 24 of Broken Little Dove

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“Okay tough girl. How about this?” He pulls out a knife from his pocket and holds it up. “How ‘bout instead of my dick inside you, you get this blade?” he says with a venomous smile.

My eyes go wide. He wouldn't.

Oh God, he probably would.

I wish Callum were here. He would come if I yelled for him, right? I feel the panic in me taking over.


Callum’s room.

The gun in his drawer.

The chain on me is loose and not connected to anything and his room is just a few doors down. I could get there. Will I be able to actually pull the trigger? Could I really kill someone?

If it meant not being fucked by a blade, fuck yes.

Cole begins to trace the knife between my breasts and I give myself a quick last pep talk before I bring my knee up landing it right into his balls. He wanted me to fight back, right? Enjoy that, you sick fuck! He grunts loudly and brings both his hands in between his legs and collapses to the side on the bed. I jump up grabbing the chain and run out of his door and into Callum’s room as I hear Cole yelling after me,

“You fucking bitch!”

I yank open Callum’s bedside drawer and pull out the gun. It has a heavier weight to it than I expected. I turn back to the door holding up the gun and Cole makes his appearance in the doorframe.

“You fucked up cunt.” He begins striding towards me.

“Stop! I’ll shoot! I’ll fucking shoot you! Get back,” I yell at him, with shaking hands.

“Yea? You really gonna shoot me? You think you have that in you, to take a life? Go ahead, shoot me Lana. I fucking dare you,” he taunts.

Cole is now standing right in front of me. The gun pressed against his lower chest. I have to do this. I have to!

I shut my eyes and squeeze the trigger. Nothing happens. My eyes fly open and I look at the gun then to Cole. He smiles down at me with a sick malicious grin.

“You stupid bitch. Callum always keeps the safety on.” He laughs then grabs the gun from me, twisting my wrist in the process.


Oh God, no.

No. No. No.

He punches me across the face and I collapse to the ground in a heap. He grabs a hold of my hair and begins to drag me out of Callum’s room.

I'm holding onto his wrists as I kick my legs out.

I tried to kill him twice now and both times I failed.

We reach his room and he tosses me back onto the bed then pulls out rope from his work bag on the floor. He pushes me down on my stomach then ties my limbs to the four corners of the bed. I pull at the rope but it's no use.

“Cole, please. I don't want to die here.”

“I'm not going to kill you, little whore. You just need to be punished so you have a reminder of what happens when you pull some shit like that.”

“Please, Cole.”

“Now I've gotten you to beg me. We’re making progress. You wanted to act tough, you wanted to play this game. I told you I would win.” I hear Cole light up a cigarette and then he sends a puff of smoke over my head. I hold my breath, repulsed at the smell. “Our father used to burn us with cigarettes when he didn't like something we did. Hell, he did it even just for fun sometimes. Our scars are still visible to this day. A reminder. Now you will have a reminder too, Lana,” he says with an eerily calm voice.

Oh my God.

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