Page 9 of Broken Little Dove

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I look at the food, it looks edible enough. The shirt he lays down on the mattress is a button-up red and black flannel, I assume it's his. I make no move to reach for anything. There is certainly something else I need.

“What I need is to be let go. I don't want your food, your damn shirt or anything else! I want to go home!” I nearly snarl.

“I can’t let you go,” he simply states.

“Please! I won’t tell anyone! Just let me go and I'll be forever grateful.”

“I can't. I can't risk it. I can't risk you going straight to the cops and getting my brother locked up again. He’s all I have.”

He said brother. The bearded man is his brother. He also said, locked up again. So his brother is a serial criminal. Fucking great. Has he done this exact thing before? What happened to that girl? Did he kill her? Fear sinks further into my veins.

“I know it won’t mean much, but I'm sorry. I'm sorry for the part I played that got you in this situation. If there’s anything else you need that I actually can give you, let me know.” He stands and takes a step back.

“Fuck you!” I throw the plate of food at his feet. “Fuck you and get out! Just leave me the fuck alone!” I yell through tears and sobs. He says nothing else, turns and walks back upstairs.

I sit there curled in a ball against the wall until I can manage to stop crying. I glance at the flannel. I'm still naked and cold. I grab it and quickly put it on. It's soft and smells like a mix of pine and fresh laundry detergent. My stomach grumbles and I suddenly regret throwing the food. It's scattered along the floor with pieces of the broken plate. I'm not eating anything off of this grimy floor. The rats can have it. Oh God, I better not see any rats down here.

Wait, my eyes jerk back to the broken pieces of the plate. The sharp broken pieces lying within reach. I quickly grab the biggest piece and hide it under the pillow I received. A plan starts to form. The door has always remained open when they come down here. I just need to pray that they carry the key to my shackle on them and hope I have it in me to stab them in the neck next time one of them gets close enough. I can do this. I can get out of here.

Chapter 9


Sitting on the front porch, I gaze out at the dense forest of tall, thick trees that envelop the cabin, lost in thought.

I don't blame her for her reaction. She doesn't deserve to be chained up in our basement. I wish I could let her go, there’s just no way she wouldn't say anything. I can't take that chance.

I let out the breath I've been holding. I'm not sure how long this is going to keep Cole entertained, but I worry what he’ll do once he tires of her.

“How was your day? How's our girl?” Cole asks when he walks in through the front door.

“You mean, your prisoner chained to the wall down there. She’s great, having a blast.”

Cole doesn't reply to that as he takes off his work boots, makes his way to the freezer and pulls out the whiskey.

“Have a drink with me.”

“No thanks,” I grumble from the couch.

“Suit yourself.”

Two hours and a couple more glasses of whiskey later. Cole gets up from the recliner and heads towards the basement. I instantly become uneasy. I can’t stop him. I don’t know what the fuck to do besides sit here and hope it’s over soon. I’m fucking useless.


I finish peeing into the bucket they left me. How nice of them to leave me some toilet paper too. I roll my eyes to myself. I dread when I'll have to do something else besides pee. How much more humiliating can this get. I lay back down on the mattress and pull the blanket over me, and stare at the web covered ceiling. A couple minutes later I hear the door open. Please, no.

I sit up and see the bearded man coming closer, wearing a black tank top that reveals tattoos covering his muscular arms and dark jeans that are already unbuttoned. His gait is a bit unsteady like he’s drunk. I reach behind me underneath the pillow and grip the piece of the broken plate I hid. He stops right before me looking over the flannel I'm wearing and the blanket.

“Fucking Callum. Getting a bit too soft.” he says mostly to himself. Then he undoes his belt and unbuttons his pants. He kneels down on the mattress in front of me and yanks my legs pulling me towards him and spreading me wide. He pulls himself out of his pants, wets his hard dick with spit and lines it up to my entrance. My body tightens.

“Please, don't do this. Please, just let me go.”

I know it’s useless trying to convince him, but I have to try.

“Shhhh, be a good girl, shut that pretty mouth and take my dick. You’ll come to love it eventually.”

I want to vomit. The moment he pushes into me I swing my arm up aiming for his neck. He catches me and I miss, but the sharp piece slices his cheek instead. He yells and stumbles back.
