Page 17 of Wed to the Gargoyle

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As I sat by his bedside, I couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more to Kuzar than met the eye. He wasn’t just a fearsome warrior; he was a complex and enigmatic creature with a depth of emotion.

Carefully, I reached out and traced the sharp lines of his claws. They were still slick with blood, a grim reminder of the battle he endured. But as my fingers grazed against him, we shared a strange sense of connection. It was as if I was touching a part of his soul, a part that was both wild and tender.

A soft groan escaped his lips, and I pulled my hand away. His eyes fluttered open, and he looked at me with a mixture of surprise and confusion.

“Evie?” he rasped. “What are you doing?”

I hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to answer. “I was just checking on you,” I whispered.

He nodded. “I’m fine, it's just a few scratches.”

I said nothing as he downplayed his injuries. He lost a lot of blood, and his wounds were severe.

“You’re not fine, Kuzar. Rest is what you need right now.” I said.

He closed his eyes again and sighed. “I know,” he said. “But I can’t. Not yet.”

“Why not?”

“Because I need to protect you,” he said. “The Sobek are still out there. They won’t stop until they’ve destroyed us all.”

A chill ran down my spine. The Sobek were a ruthless and bloodthirsty clan. If they were determined to wipe out the gargoyles, we didn’t stand a chance.

“But what can you do? You’re injured.”

“I’m not as injured as I look,” he said. “I’ll heal. And when I do, I’ll be ready for them.”

I nodded, a sense of dread grew inside me. The Sobek were a powerful enemy, and they outnumbered and outmatched us. How were we supposed to defeat them?

Suddenly, Kuzar reached out and took my hand. His grip was surprisingly gentle.

“Don’t worry, We’ll get through this. Together.”

I looked into his eyes and saw a flicker of hope. It was a small thing, but it was enough to give me strength.

“Yes,” I said. “Together.”

As the night wore on, I grew increasingly drawn to Kuzar. His strength, his courage, his determination were all qualities that I admired. And despite his monstrous appearance, I found myself irresistibly drawn to my husband.

Our relationship was unconventional, even impossible. I didn’t care. I was falling in love with Kuzar, and there was nothing I could do to stop it.



The searing pain ripped through my body, a ruthless fire consuming my very essence. The tug of the void beckoned me, its icy grip promising sweet release from this torturous existence. But amidst the relentless agony, a flicker of will ignited within me, a stubborn refusal to succumb to the darkness. For Evie, I must endure.

Thoughts of her tender touch and soothing voice spurred me onward, granting me the strength to fight back against the encroaching oblivion. I willed my battered limbs to move, commanded my ragged breath to steady. Slowly, excruciatingly, I clawed my way back from the precipice, my consciousness tethered to this realm by an unyielding love.

As the healers worked their magic, mending shattered bones and stitching gaping wounds, the visions of the carnage we wrought upon ourselves haunted me. The blood-curdling screams of my fallen brethren echoed in my ears, a constant reminder of the brutality that transpired.

Yet, in the depths of my despair, a strange sense of gratitude took root. For I returned, battered and broken, but alive. And in this second chance, I vowed to honor the memory of those who fell by forging a fresh path for our people, a path of unity and understanding.

As I regained my strength, I witnessed Evie’s selfless acts of compassion, her unwavering dedication to healing the wounded warriors. Despite their disdain for her, their mistrust rooted in generations of prejudice, she tended to their every need with unwavering patience and kindness.

One gargoyle, a grizzled veteran named Agramon, was vocal in his contempt for humans. He spewed venomous insults and hurled vile accusations, his words like daggers piercing the fragile peace we were striving to build.

“Get away from me, you filthy human!” he snarled, batting her hands away. “Your kind brought nothing but misery to us.”
