Page 18 of Wed to the Gargoyle

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Pain lanced through me at his words, not for myself but for Evie, who did nothing but offer solace to this bitter creature. Yet she remained unfazed, her resolve unshaken.

With a gentle smile, she met his hateful gaze. “I understand your anger, Agramon, but I’m here to help, not to harm.”

Agramon’s eyes narrowed, his lips curling back in a snarl. “Help? What could a human possibly know about our pain?”

Evie hesitated for a moment, her gaze dropping to the ground. Then, lifting her head, she met his eyes once more, her expression resolute.

“I may not understand your painfully,” she said, “but I know what it’s like to suffer. I’ve seen my people torn apart by war and prejudice. And I believe that no matter our differences, we can heal together.”

The silence that followed was heavy with angst. Agramon’s eyes flickered with surprise, a hint of uncertainty creeping into his hardened features.

Then, with a sigh, he relented. “Fine, do what you must. But don’t expect me to be grateful.”

Evie smiled, her eyes sparkling with genuine warmth. “I don’t need your gratitude,” she said. “I just want to help.”

And with that, she set about her task, cleaning and bandaging Agramon’s wounds with meticulous care. As she worked, she hummed a soft, lilting tune, its soothing melody filling the air.

I watched in awe as she transformed Agramon’s harsh countenance, replacing his anger with a grudging acceptance. Her kindness was like a beacon of hope, illuminating the darkness that settled upon our clan.

After weeks of healing, I grew stronger and set in motion the desire to arm Evie with strength and skill to defend herself.

“Are you serious?” Evie’s eyes grew wide when I brought it up.

“I am. I’m taking it to the leaders today. Unless you don’t care to learn how to fight?”

“Oh, yes, I want to learn. I want to defend you as well.” Her innocence with the words brought out a chuckle.

“Sweet Evie, I am your protector. But should I be absent from your side, I enjoy knowing you can handle yourself if need be.”

When I requested for Evie to undergo combat training, my clan reacted with a mixture of surprise and disapproval. Gargoyles always protected our territory, and the notion of a human female wielding a weapon was absurd for many. Yet, I was determined to empower Evie, to give her the skills she needed to defend herself in a world that was often hostile to her kind.

I oversaw her training, impressed by her innate agility and quick reflexes. She displayed a remarkable aptitude for self-defense, mastering the use of various weapons with surprising speed. Her enthusiasm and dedication were inspiring, and I looked forward to our daily training sessions.

Under my watchful eye, Evie blossomed into a formidable warrior. She learned to wield a sword with deadly precision, her movements a blur as she effortlessly deflected my attacks. She mastered the art of evasion, anticipating my every move and slipping out of my grasp like a shadow.

As Evie’s skills grew, so did the respect of my clan mates. They saw her not just as a fragile human, but as a capable fighter who could hold her own against even the most seasoned gargoyle warriors.

One day, during an intense training session, Evie surprised me with a disarming maneuver, sending my sword flying from my grip. Surprised, I stumbled backward, my pride momentarily wounded.

Evie stood before me, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “I did it!” Her voice filled with triumph.

A smile spread across my face, genuine and unbidden. “You did,” I replied, extending a hand to help her up. “You’ve come a long way, Evie.”

She beamed, her face radiant with pride. “Thank you, Kuzar. I couldn’t have done it without you.”

In that moment, as I looked into Evie’s eyes, I realized that my feelings for her deepened. She was no longer just my duty-bound mate, but a woman I respected and admired. Her strength, both physical and emotional, captivated me. She challenged my preconceptions, forcing me to see the world in a new light.

As the sun set, casting long shadows across the training grounds, I decided. I would confide in Evie, share the secret that haunted me for so long.

“Evie,” I said, my voice uncharacteristically hesitant, “there’s something I need to tell you.”

Her eyes widened with curiosity. “What is it, Kuzar?”

I took a deep breath, steeling myself for her reaction. “It’s about my past,” I said. “About who I was before I became the chieftain of the warriors.”

Evie’s expression softened with concern. “Kuzar, you don’t have to tell me anything you’re not comfortable with.”

My head shook. “I want you to know the real me.”
