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I inclined my head in acknowledgment, my heart swelling with pride. The Chieftain’s approval meant everything to me.

“But, we must be prepared for their retaliation.”

I nodded in agreement, my mind already racing with strategies and tactics. The safety of our clan depended on our vigilance.

“There is something else,” Mazarak said, his voice laced with a hint of hesitation. “The elders and I have been discussing the future of our clan. We believe it is time for us to take the next step in our integration with humans.”

My brow furrowed in surprise. Integration with humans? This was an unexpected turn of events.

“The humans are our neighbors, and we share this land with them.” Mazarak met each eye sternly. “By forging partnerships with them, we can strengthen our position in Alia Terra and secure our future.”

I remained silent, my mind grappling with this new information. The idea of marrying a human was foreign to me. I always cherished my freedom, my ability to roam the canyons and soar through the skies without constraint. The thought of being tied to one place, to one person, filled me with unease.

“I understand your reluctance, Kuzar,” Mazarak said, reading my thoughts. “But this is not a decision that we have made lightly. We believe it is essential for the survival of our clan. And you are a warrior leader with an opportunity to forge the path for the others to take human wives.”

The elders, seated in a semicircle around the Chieftain, nodded in agreement. Their wise eyes held a mix of anticipation and encouragement.

“We need to build bridges between our two peoples.” The Chieftain nodded curtly. “And one of the best ways to do that is through marriage. It would be a powerful symbol of unity and cooperation.”

I couldn’t deny the logic of his words, but my heart still rebelled. The idea of sharing my life with a human, someone so different from me, filled me with uncertainty. I was not among those lucky enough to find a gargoyle mate. The female gargoyle numbered one per three males.

“You do not have to decide right away,” Mazarak said, sensing my turmoil. “Take some time to think about it. But I urge you to consider the greater good of our clan.”

With a heavy heart, I left the Chieftain’s chamber, my mind in turmoil. I wandered through the labyrinthine tunnels of our stronghold, my thoughts consumed by the weight of the decision that lay before me.

The next day, Geradi, the Goliath healer, came to my quarters.

“The Chieftain has requested that you submit to a DNA test.” Her voice resounded gentle but firm. “It is the first step in the process of finding a human wife.”

I hesitated for a moment, my stomach churning with apprehension. But then I nodded in resignation. I had no choice but to obey, even though the choice was ultimately mine. I served the Chieftain, and he knew what was best for our clan.

Geradi drew my blood, filling a small vial. She sealed it carefully and tucked it into her satchel.

“I will send the results to the Marriage Temple. They will begin the search for a suitable human mate for you.”

I watched as she left, my mind filled with a mix of trepidation and anticipation. My life was about to change forever, and I did not know what the future held.

Weeks later, the chieftain’s summons echoed through the labyrinthine tunnels of our stronghold, its urgency undeniable. A knot of apprehension clenched in my stomach as I made my way to his chamber, my talons clicking against the stone floor. The air was thick with anticipation, with the silence punctuated only by the distant rumble of the subterranean river that flowed beneath our home.

Inside the chamber, the chieftain, Mazarak, sat hunched over a crude map, his brow furrowed in concentration. Beside him stood Geradi, the Goliath healer, her face unreadable. The sight of him set my heart pounding, for I knew what this meant. He held in her hands the results of the DNA test, the verdict that would determine my future.

Mazarak looked up as I entered, his eyes piercing through the dim light. “Kuzar,” he rumbled, his voice deep and gravelly. “The results have arrived from the Marriage Temple.”

I swallowed hard, my throat suddenly dry. “And?” I uttered, my voice hoarse.

Geradi stepped forward, her eyes filled with a mix of sympathy and encouragement. “You have a match. A human mate.”

The words hung in the air like a thunderclap, reverberating through my very being. A human mate? My mind raced, trying to comprehend the implications of this revelation. I knew that this day would come, but I never truly allowed myself to consider the reality of it.

Mazarak’s voice cut through my jumbled thoughts. “You will leave for the Marriage Temple in three days’ time,” he said, his tone brooking no argument. “Prepare yourself accordingly.”

I nodded numbly, my mind still struggling to process the enormity of the task ahead. A journey to the Marriage Temple, a union with a human stranger. The Marriage Temple was in the walled city of Iunctura. My life was about to change forever, and a mix of trepidation and uncertainty filled me.

As I left the chieftain’s chamber, my feet carried me through the familiar tunnels of our stronghold, but my mind was far away. I wandered aimlessly, my thoughts consumed by the impending journey. What would this human be like? Would they accept me for what I was, a gargoyle, a creature of stone and shadow? Or would they recoil in fear and disgust?

I heard stories of the Marriage Temple, a place where humans and monsters came together to form lifelong bonds. It was a sacred place, a sanctuary where prejudice and fear did not exist. But could I truly believe that such a place existed? Could a human and a gargoyle truly find happiness together?

The days leading up to my departure were a blur of activity. I bid farewell to my family and friends, my heart heavy with both sadness and anticipation. I packed my meager belongings, a few simple garments and some personal items that held sentimental value. The Goliath craftsmen presented me with a parting gift, a beautifully crafted stone amulet that symbolized my clan and my heritage. It would become a symbol given to those brave enough to seek mates outside of our race.
