Page 28 of Wed to the Gargoyle

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With each swing of my claws, each thrust of my sword, my protectiveness towards Evie grew stronger. I beamed despite the battle raging around us as she made me so proud. She was my mate, my warrior, and my equal.

Evie kept up with tenacity and courage. We fought, side by side, her blade a deadly extension of her will. Deflecting attacks, dodging claws, and striking with precision, her movements were a testament to her unwavering resolve.

But the harpies were relentless, their numbers shockingly endless. They pressed their attack with renewed vigor, their shrieks echoing through the cavernous lair. The tide of battle shifted, our forces slowly being pushed back.

We needed to do something drastic, or they would overrun us. Spotting a large and aggressive harpy, I devised a plan. I grabbed Evie’s hand and pulled her close, whispering my strategy in her ear.

Her eyes widened in surprise, but she nodded, and her trust in me was absolute. We moved through the chaos, weaving our way towards the unsuspecting harpy. When we were close enough, I signaled to Evie, and she acted without hesitation.

With a swift movement, she lunged at the harpy’s legs, her blade slicing through tendons and muscle. The harpy screeched in pain and collapsed to the ground, its massive wings flapping uselessly.

I seized the opportunity, leaping onto the harpy’s back and driving my claws into its neck. The creature convulsed beneath me as I severed its spinal cord, ending its wretched life.

As the harpy lay still, Evie and I stood over it, our weapons dripping with its foul blood. We faced many challenges together, but this was the first time we fought side by side as true equals.

Emotion overtook me as I shuddered a cry. Evie’s eyes sparkled with a newfound confidence, her face smeared with blood and dirt, and our bond grew stronger, forged in the crucible of battle.

With a nod, we turned our attention back to the remaining harpies, our determination unwavering. Defeat was not an option. We would defend our home, our people, and each other, no matter the cost.

In the thick of the chaotic battle, amidst the deafening shrieks of harpies and the clash of steel against stone, I fought alongside Evie, our movements synchronized, our blades cutting through the air in unison. My heart nearly burst as I fought to protect her and let her protect me.

“Are you alright?”

She nodded, her breath coming in ragged gasps. “I’m okay,” she said, her voice hoarse. "But I think someone has hit me."

I rushed to her side and saw several deep gashes on her arms and legs, blood seeping through the rents in her armor. I gently lifted her up and carried her out of the fray, my heart heavy with worry.

“Oh. I’m okay, Kuzar, really.” Her voice said the words, but her face showed the pain and the blood didn’t lie. She made a path, each drop precious and dropping to the earth in big red plops. My heart hammered as I pleaded inwardly for the creator of the Earth to care for her and heal her wounds. My kind possessed supernatural healing abilities, unlike her as a human, which made it impossible for her to endure the same beating as a gargoyle.

As I made my way through the battlefield, the carnage surrounding us faded into a blur. All I could see was Evie, her face pale and drawn, her body now limp in my arms. My love fought bravely, not even admitting to the pain of a harpie’s claw. Despite the injuries, she maintained she was fine until she lost consciousness.

I couldn’t bear the thought of losing her, this human woman who captured my heart and changed my life forever. I held her close, her head resting against my chest, her soft whimpers of pain sending shockwaves through my very being.

“Hang on, Evie, I’ll get you to safety.”

I quickened my pace, dodging and weaving through the remaining harpies, my eyes scanning the battlefield for any sign of our healers. Finally, I spotted a group of them tending to the wounded in a makeshift triage area.

I carried Evie over to them and gently laid her down on a stretcher. The healers immediately began examining her wounds, their faces grim. I stood by helplessly, my heart pounding in my chest, my eyes fixed on Evie’s pale face.

“She’s lost a lot of blood,” one healer said, her voice grave. “We need to get her to the infirmary immediately.”

I nodded, my throat too tight to speak. I helped them lift Evie onto a stretcher and followed them out of the battlefield, my mind reeling with fear and uncertainty.

As we walked, I couldn’t help but think about how close we came to losing each other. The thought of life without Evie by my side was unbearable. I realized then and there that I was in love with her, a love so fierce and all-consuming that it consumed my every thought and overshadowed every other emotion.

I vowed to myself that I would do everything in my power to protect her, to keep her safe from harm. I would fight for her, I would love her, and I would never let her go.



The harpies followed us as we retreated into our territory. With the shriek of a thousand banshees, the Harpy horde ripped into our territory, black wings and talon-clawed feet a whirlwind of fury. I’d thought nothing could compare to the ferocity of the Sobek ambush. However, these winged abominations brought a relentless brutality that made my blood run cold. My muscles screaming in protest, I grappled with a vicious bird demon, its beak snapping inches from my face, the stench of decay wafting off it in waves. The beat of leathery wings buffeted me, obscuring my vision in a storm of feathers.

Suddenly, someone or something tore me from the wicked talons and yanked me backward. Kuzar loomed protectively, a blaze of gray scales and vicious fury. His claws sliced at the harpy’s feathered limbs, severing its grip. Its screech echoed through the cavern as he flung it across the rocky floor like a discarded rag doll.

“The children, Evie!” he roared above the chaos. Spotting the group of wide-eyed younglings cowering behind a pile of rubble, I fought against the tide of creatures, each desperate step toward them paving a bloody path with the fallen harpies.

With an immense surge of adrenaline, I dove behind the stones, pulling the terrified brood into my trembling arms. As the swarm of razor-edged wings and dripping beaks surged around us, I could only pray that our luck would hold.

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