Page 29 of Wed to the Gargoyle

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Then, a bellow reverberated through the air with a guttural sound, causing even the monsters to falter momentarily. Our warriors charged forth, their roars echoing off the cave walls, the ground shaking with the weight of their advance. Like a living battering ram, the Goliath gargoyles plowed through the Harpy ranks, scattering them like autumn leaves.

“Run! Go!” I screamed at the children as warriors cleared a path toward a safer part of the settlement. As they fled, a sudden, searing pain sliced across my back, the world exploding in a symphony of agony. Desperately, I tried to cover the children and shield them from the fatal blows. Another searing sensation erupted as I took a blow meant for one youngster. The ground rushed up to meet me, the blurred forms of Kuzar and Geradi hovering above before everything went black.

Rough hands clutched at my body, lifting me gently. Vaguely, I heard voices, a jumble of frantic, worried words. My head throbbed with an intensity as I moaned in protest. I attempted to open my eyes, but my lids were as heavy as stone. Where was I? What was happening?

“Geradi, hurry! We can’t let her bleed out!” Kuzar’s voice, raw with desperation, cut through the haze, muddling my thoughts.

“I’m doing everything I can, Kuzar! But the wounds are so deep.”

Deep. Yes, the gashes were deep, like gaping chasms gnawing at my flesh. Dimly, I recalled the Harpy’s razor-sharp talons shredding my back.

Kuzar’s ragged breaths swirled around me, each breath a harsh rasp against my tender skin. A bead of sweat trickled down his brow, landing on my cheek like a cold raindrop. I struggled to regain consciousness, to ease his fear.

“Evie, stay with me. Please.”

His plea, fervent yet choked with despair, reached into the depths of my fading resolve. I fought against the encroaching darkness, clawing my way back to the realm of the living.

As awareness slowly returned, I realized I was being carried, my body cradled in Kuzar’s powerful arms. His footsteps echoed through the tunnels, each thud resounding like a drum in the pit of my stomach. His heart pounded against my back, a steady rhythm that slowly lulled me into a semblance of peace.

Through the fog of pain, the warmth of his body and the softness of his fur against my skin kept me grounded. I wanted to tell him it would be okay, but my lips were numb, unmoving. Panic threatened to consume me as my eyelids fluttered open, only to close again at the blinding brightness.

“We’re almost there, Evie,” Geradi’s voice pierced the haze, bringing a sliver of hope amidst the torment. “Hang on, just a little further.”

Their words provided a lifeline, pulling me back from the brink. The scent of herbs and potions grew stronger with each labored breath. As we reached our destination, voices grew louder, the hum of activity surrounding me like a comforting blanket. Finally, we came to an abrupt halt.

Geradi’s soothing touch lowered me onto something cool and soft, a healer’s cot. Kuzar’s arms retreated, his warmth replaced by the chill of the stone floor against my skin. I tried to turn, to look at him, but excruciating pain shot through my back, stealing my breath. A whimper of agony escaped my lips.

“Easy now, Evie,” Geradi’s soothing voice murmured beside me. “Let me look at those wounds.”

Her cool hands probed my back, the feather-light touch a stark contrast to the gnawing agony beneath the surface. With a quick flick of her wrist, she poured a clear liquid onto the gashes. The burn was like fire on my skin, but it was preferable to the throbbing torment.

Geradi crooned, her nimble fingers stitching my shredded flesh together with practiced ease. His voice gave me a focal point, the rhythmic cadence of her breath, anything to distract me from the searing pain.

As the healer’s work continued, I drifted in and out of consciousness, the world around me a hazy blur. Kuzar’s garbled voice made no sense, distorted by the fog clouding my mind.

“Evie.” Kuzar choked with emotion. I wanted to respond, but my tongue was heavy and useless in my mouth.

Eventually, the agony receded, leaving behind a dull throbbing that reminded me of my injuries. The fragrance of healing herbs filled the air, stinging my nostrils. Kuzar’s presence beside me gave me hope. His hand covered mine, his warmth a comforting beacon in my time of need.

As the darkness enveloped me, I survived the Harpies’ attack. Despite being battered, bruised, and scarred, I stayed alive after the Harpies' attack. And I had Kuzar by my side. His love reached me in the depths of my tortured and painful physical despair, trying to chase away death’s grip.

Try as I might, I slipped into a bottomless abyss of anguish. My life essence seeped out, like sand slipping through my fingers. Kuzar’s face, etched with heartbreak, was the last thing I saw before oblivion claimed me. No longer could I hold on. The pull was too great.

The darkness consumed me, pulling me down into its icy depths. My body was also numb, my thoughts muted and distorted. I was drifting, floating in an endless void.

Slowly, shapes took form in the shadows. Blurred images flickered before my eyes. A riverbank, trees swaying in the breeze, sunlight dappling the ground. The details sharpened into focus. I was in a forest, walking along the rocky shore of a winding river. The air smelled crisp and clean, filled with the murmurs of birdsong and rustling leaves.

Beside me strode Kuzar, his powerful frame at ease, his face softened into an expression of contentment I never witnessed from him. His eyes met mine, glimmering with warmth and affection.

A giggle drew my attention downward, where a small child clutched Kuzar’s clawed hand. The child donned a mop of dark unruly curls, and cheeks still round with baby fat. Their eyes shone bright amber, flickering between Kuzar and me with unconcealed joy.

We walked in comfortable silence, the only sounds the crunch of gravel beneath our feet and the occasional cheerful babble from the little one between us. When we rested beneath the shade of an old oak, Kuzar lifted the child into his arms, eliciting squeals of delight.

Watching them, my heart swelled near to bursting. This was my family. We were together, happy, at peace. No judgment or hatred plagued us here. We had each other, and that was enough.

Kuzar’s gaze met mine once more, and in his eyes I saw a love deeper than any ocean, vaster than any canyon our clan called home. We needed no words. Our souls spoke louder than any utterance could manage.

The child squirmed free of Kuzar’s embrace and tottered over to me on unsteady legs. Their eyes, so like their father’s, peered up at me with innocent joy. Chubby toddler fingers grasped at the folds of my skirt.
