Page 30 of Wed to the Gargoyle

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“Wake up, Mama,” the child spoke, their voice a melodic chime.

I blinked in confusion. Wake up? But I was already awake, wasn’t I? We were here together, in this quiet grove by the river.

The child giggled again, tapping my leg gently. “Wake up, Mama!”

The peaceful scene began to blur and fade around me. The child’s face melted away, replaced by a vast field of stars glittering cold and silent against an endless night sky.

I wanted to cling to the vision, to remain in that sunny riverside grove with my beloved and our child. But the darkness would not release me. It pulled me back, away from the idyllic dream and into its icy grip once more.

I fought with all my remaining strength, trying to resist its pull, to stay with my family. But I weakened, my grasp on the vision of joy slipping away no matter how hard I struggled.

Kuzar’s face flashed before me one last time, his eyes pleading. The child’s distant, disembodied voice called to me from somewhere beyond the void.

“Wake up, Mama.”

Their words echoed through the emptiness as the peaceful scene vanished fully from view. Sorrow engulfed me, even as oblivion’s veil drew steadily closer, poised to embrace me in its smothering folds.

I wanted to wake up, to open my eyes and find myself back in that sun-dappled grove, my family by my side. But the darkness held me firmly in its clutches, and I lacked the strength to break free.

As the last glimmers of light faded away, I surrendered myself to the consuming shadows, too weary to fight any longer. Wherever this path led, I could only hope I’d find my way back to Kuzar and our child someday.

When I awoke, warmth enveloped my body. Strong arms held me close, a steady heartbeat lulling me back to consciousness. I stirred, my eyelids fluttering open. Kuzar’s face swam into view, his eyes shimmering with unshed tears. Relief washed over him as he realized I was awake.

“Evie, you’re alive.”

His words, laden with love and concern, pierced through my fog of pain. I tried to smile through stiff and swollen lips. Kuzar gently brushed a stray lock of hair from my forehead, his touch feather-light.

“Don’t speak,” he murmured. “Just rest.”

I closed my eyes, savoring the feel of his hand against my skin. I was alive. I had survived the Harpy attack. And Kuzar was there, by my side.

Slowly, the pain receded, leaving behind a dull ache. Kuzar shifted beside me, his warm breath fanning across my face. He carefully lifted me into a sitting position, propping pillows behind my back.

“How are you feeling?”

I swallowed, my throat parched. “Sore,” I croaked. “But… alive.”

Kuzar nodded, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. He reached for a small jar of salve, his fingers deftly unscrewing the lid. With the utmost care, he dabbed the cool ointment onto my wounds. I flinched at the contact, but he continued, his touch gentle and reassuring.

As he worked, I gazed at Kuzar’s face, lined with worry and fatigue. Dark circles rimmed his eyes, and his scales seemed to have lost their luster. He looked exhausted, yet he tended to my wounds with unwavering patience.

A wave of emotion washed over me. I realized I loved this ferocious beast, this creature who was a source of fear and uncertainty. Now, he was my savior, my protector. My heart swelled with a love so intense it nearly burst from my chest.

I reached out and gently caressed Kuzar’s cheek, my fingers tracing the rough texture of his scales. He stilled, his eyes widening in surprise. I leaned forward and pressed my lips against his, my kiss soft and tentative.

Kuzar hesitated for a moment before responding. Then he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close. His kiss was gentle at first, but quickly grew more passionate. He tasted of smoke and honey, a combination that sent shivers down my spine.

We kissed for an eternity, lost in our world of love and desire. When we finally parted, I was breathless and trembling. Kuzar’s eyes burned into mine, filled with an intensity that made my heart race.

“I love you,”

The words hung in the air between us, heavy with meaning. I looked into his eyes and knew that he meant it. I loved him too, with all my heart.

“I love you too,” I replied, my voice barely a whisper.

We held each other close, our bodies entwined, our love for each other a blazing inferno that consumed us both.

