Page 43 of Wed to the Gargoyle

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Wordlessly, I returned to our chamber, the echo of Geradi’s words ringing in my ears. I slid into bed beside Kuzar, his warmth enveloping me. I nestled against him, seeking solace in his strength.

He stirred, his deep voice thick with sleep. “What is it, Evie?”

I shook my head, not wanting to alarm him. “Nothing. I just wanted to be close to you.”

He hummed, his breath fanning against my hair. “Sleep, love. All is well.”

I closed my eyes, my worries fading as I drifted into a fitful sleep. Kuzar’s steady breathing lulled me, a reminder that despite the trials we faced, we were together, facing them side by side.

The next morning, I awoke to the smell of sizzling meat and Geradi’s soothing voice. Kuzar sat at the table, his eyes heavy with concern.

“You had a rough night,” he said, pulling me close. “Geradi told me.”

I nodded, unable to speak. He held me tighter, his heart beating against my chest, a reassuring rhythm of love and protection.

“It’s okay. I’m here.”

I nodded again, my fears dissipating under his fierce love. As Geradi placed a plate of steaming food in front of me, I glanced at Kuzar. Although his face still bore lines of worry, his eyes glistened with a fierce determination that caused my heart to swell with love and admiration.

We ate in silence, the warmth of the food and the love we shared filling the void left by fear. When we finished, Kuzar pulled me up from the table and led me to the balcony overlooking the vast expanse of our territory. The morning sun, a molten sphere of gold, cast long shadows over the canyons and caves that were our home.

He wrapped his arms around me, his body a shield against the crisp morning air. I leaned into him, my head resting against his chest.

“I promise,” he said, his voice a husky vow, “I will do everything in my power to protect you and our child.”

Tears streamed down my face, not of fear, but of gratitude and love. I knew that with Kuzar by my side, we could face any challenge, no matter how daunting. Together, we would forge a future for our family, a future filled with love and strength.

Mazarak’s heavy footsteps echoed through the chamber, his presence filling the space like a thundercloud. His eyes, keen and piercing, scanned me, his lips pursed in concentration.

“How are you feeling, Evie?”

I shifted on the bed, the weight of my swollen belly pulling at my muscles. “Better,” I said, my voice hoarse from disuse. “The bleeding has stopped.”

Mazarak nodded, his bushy eyebrows drawing together in thought. “That is good news. But you must continue to rest. The next few weeks are critical.”

I nodded, my heart heavy with worry. “I know.”

Mazarak placed a gnarled hand on my belly, his touch surprisingly gentle. “The child is strong. It fights to live.”

Relief washed over me, a balm to my anxious heart. I reached out and covered his hand with mine. “Thank you,” I whispered.

Mazarak smiled, a rare sight that crinkled the corners of his eyes. “You are welcome, little one. Now, rest. I will return soon to check on you.”

As he left, Veda bustled in, her face a mask of concern. “How are you feeling, my lady?”

“I’m better,” I said, squeezing her hand. “Thank you for taking care of me.”

Veda smiled, her eyes bright with affection. “It is my pleasure.”

She helped me sit up, propping pillows behind my back. Then she brought me a bowl of steaming broth, carefully spooning it into my mouth. The warmth of the liquid soothed my sore throat, and the savory flavor filled my empty stomach.

When I finished, Veda helped me lie down again, tucking the covers around me. “Rest now. Kuzar will be back soon.”

I nodded, closing my eyes. Exhaustion washed over me, pulling me into a deep sleep.

When I awoke, Kuzar was sitting beside me, his face etched with worry.

“How are you feeling?” he asked, his voice thick with emotion.
