Page 44 of Wed to the Gargoyle

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I reached out and took his hand, squeezing it tightly. “I’m better. The bleeding has stopped.”

Kuzar sighed, relief clear in his eyes. “Thank the Ancestors,” he said, his voice gruff.

He leaned down and kissed my forehead, his lips warm and gentle. “I was so worried about you. I thought I might lose you.”

Tears welled in my eyes, and I reached up to brush them away. “I’m here,” I said. “I’m not going anywhere.”

Kuzar pulled me close, his arms cradling me. “I won’t let anything happen to you. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you and the baby safe and healthy.”

I nestled against him, his strength and love enveloping me like a warm blanket. I knew that with Kuzar by my side, I could face anything, no matter how daunting.

Together, we would overcome any obstacle, and we would build a future for our family, a future filled with love and joy.

Kuzar strode into the chamber where Mazarak tended to the clan’s ailments, his footsteps heavy with determination. I watched him go, my heart pounding in my chest. Kuzar stayed by my side since the bleeding started, refusing to leave, even to eat or sleep. He’d insisted on staying awake, keeping vigil over me. But now, he was going to face Mazarak, the clan’s stern and unyielding leader. I couldn’t help but worry about what would happen.

Moments later, Kuzar returned, his face unreadable. He sat down beside me, taking my hand in his. “What did he say?” I asked, my voice barely a whisper.

Kuzar sighed, his breath warm against my skin. “He understands. He knows how important it is for me to be here for you, especially now.”

Relief washed over me, a wave of pure joy. I squeezed Kuzar’s hand, hardly daring to believe Mazarak gave him permission to stay by my side.

“You can stay?” I asked, my voice still trembling.

Kuzar nodded, his eyes filled with love and tenderness. “Of course, I’m not leaving you, Evie. Not until our child is born.”

Tears of happiness streamed down my face as I pulled Kuzar into a tight embrace. He held me close, his muscular arms enveloping me in a protective cocoon.

In the following days, Geradi confined me to bedrest, Kuzar exceeded expectations to make me comfortable and keep me entertained. He brought me books and scrolls filled with stories and legends of the gargoyle clans. I laughed until my sides hurt as he told me jokes and riddles. He even invented games to play together, using pebbles and shells from the riverbed.

One afternoon, Kuzar came into the chamber with a mischievous grin on his face. “I have a surprise for you,” he said.

He led me to the bathing chamber, where a large tub filled with warm, steaming water awaited me. I gasped, my eyes widening in delight. “Kuzar! How did you do this?”

Kuzar chuckled, his eyes twinkling. “I have my ways,” he said. “Now, come. Let me help you.”

He undressed me, his hands gentle and respectful, and then he lifted me into the tub. I sank into the warm water with a sigh of contentment, feeling the tension and aches of my body melt away. Kuzar knelt beside the tub, his hands moving deftly over my swollen belly.

“How does it feel?”

“Amazing,” I said, closing my eyes and savoring the moment. “Thank you, Kuzar.”

Kuzar continued to massage my belly, his hands warm and strong. I relaxed completely, my worries and fears dissipating like mist in the sunlight.

When he finished, Kuzar helped me out of the tub and wrapped me in a soft towel. He carried me back to my chamber and tucked me into bed. I drifted off to sleep, feeling safe and loved in Kuzar’s arms.

As the days went by, I grew closer to Kuzar than I ever thought possible. He was always there for me, patient and understanding, even when I was at my most difficult. He made me laugh and feel safe, and he made me feel loved.

I was lucky to have him by my side, especially now, as I prepared to bring our child into the world. I couldn’t wait to meet our little one, to hold it in my arms and shower it with love. And Kuzar would be the best father a child could ever ask for.



Geradi hastened towards our chamber, clutching herbs and a pouch. Evie’s agonizing cries pounded against my skull, echoing in the confines of our cave. As if summoned by the same pains gripping her, lightning tore across the darkened sky, thunder moaning close behind.

Unable to withstand my wild desperation any longer, I threw open the chamber’s entrance. “Geradi, what does this labor entail? How long?”

Geradi’s harried eyes swept over me, seeing my disheveled appearance and the worry etching claws into my face. “Kuzar, you don’t want to be in there. Trust me.”

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