Page 44 of Billionaire Blaze

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While I was considered a dom, pain wasn’t a strong turn-on for me. It was much more about being trusted and earning that trust. It was why I was so angry at myself for being unkind to her without considering that there were plenty of reasons why she might be acting the way she was.

I wanted to earn back that trust and faith and then show her all the pleasure and heated desire that her submission to my control could bring her. As I imagined what I might do to her, I grew more turned on than I would have liked in public.

Hoping no one had noticed so far, I turned away from the approaching women and looked around for the foreman. If George was around, I couldn’t see him anywhere.

However, it gave me something else to focus on, and I calmed my body down again. This was going to get awkward if I couldn’t keep my thoughts under control. I was supposed to be the disciplined one.

“Lukas, Henry.” Sarai’s voice cut across the parking lot, and I was forced to turn back and engage in conversation. Kit looked tired, but she was still with Sarai and met my gaze for a fraction of a second before she looked away and blushed.

As I reached them, I had to fight the urge to put a finger under her chin and lift her face so I could look into her eyes. I wanted to see what she was feeling. Maybe even make her blush some more.

Henry coughed, bringing my attention back to the group. Everyone was staring at me as if I had missed something, and I gulped for a moment. Finally, Kit dared to look up at me herself, her eyes wider than normal. Even she was expecting me to do something.

“Sorry, I must have missed that,” I said, trying not to show any embarrassment. I had been entirely distracted by Kit.

“I asked if you had done everything you needed today,” Sarai replied. The corner of her mouth lifted in a brief smirk, and she glanced at Kit before looking at me again to see if I would finally answer her question.

“Oh, sure. We left our list of snagging and things to sort in the office ready for George tomorrow. We’re both starving now, aren’t we, Henry?” I deflected some of the attention to my assistant, hoping that he would take over and talk for me for a while.

Instead of rescuing me, Henry just gave a thumbs-up and waited for someone else to do something. We all paused, no onemoving as we stared at each other. I didn’t know who was going to walk or talk first, but I didn’t plan to and didn’t know what else might generate conversation. All I was good for was staring at Kit.

Everyone had noticed, and I saw no point in hiding it any longer. I wanted her, and by the end of the night, she would know it.



Although I felt great and anxiety-free when I started the day, seeing Lukas and having him stare at me the way he did unraveled me faster than anything else. I’d gotten through the one meeting and been able to focus on business. But since then, it was as if everything and everyone conspired to make me think of him.

Once Sarai had seen me blush when mentioning his name, she had wanted to know about any feelings, and although she was being friendly about it and not trying to pry too much, she had picked up on him staring at me after work.

I was more than ready to be in a car with her and leaving the site by the time we extricated ourselves from the awkward conversation. I climbed into the passenger seat and closed my eyes for a few seconds, concentrating on breathing slow and deep.

“You okay?” Sarai asked as she slipped behind the wheel with far more grace than I had ever managed.

I nodded and tried to smile at her, but I wasn’t sure I really succeeded at either. My palms were sweaty, and I had to fight the urge to obviously wipe them on my pants.

“I think he likes you, too.” Sarai drove off, everyone following her to the restaurant she had chosen. Although some evenings she had gone off to do her own thing with Richard, this had been the pattern for the day more often than not. All the major players on the site went and ate together.

Although I appreciated not having to worry too much about food, I also enjoyed having a car and driver and being able to go where I wished to eat or explore. That seemed to be something Sarai organized for me only when she wasn’t around, and I hadn’t yet plucked up the courage to ask for a car or driver to go out independently if she didn’t offer.

“You know, Lukas could be a good option for you. You both work in similar fields. Could offer your services as a joint package. I know a lot of people say don’t mix love and business, but when you start with love and then go into business, it can really work.” Sarai grinned, no doubt thinking of her and Richard.

I nodded along, not sure what to say either way and glad that she didn’t appear to expect much more from me other than to listen to what she was saying. No matter what I thought when I wasn’t with Lukas, I had come to realize when I was with him, I could think of nothing else than wanting to be close to him.

The man felt safe, and warm, and inviting—and Sarai was right. He liked me. Or felt something that made him react to my presence as well.

Sarai pulled into the usual favorite restaurant she’d told me about. So far I’d only eaten here once, but the menu was simple and normal enough that I didn’t have a problem eating here again. Although Sarai had alluded to taking me to some more upmarket restaurants and needing to dress up for them, she hadn’t done so. It was something I was very grateful for.

The high-end world that most of the upper class everywhere lived in wasn’t my zone. I didn’t want to be in it, really. All Iwanted was the simple things in life and a chance to do what I loved as much as possible.

We waited in the parking lot for the rest of the group, and even Richard joined us. He had been somewhere else, handling some paperwork all day, and he embraced Sarai for a moment, ignoring the rest of us.

It was sweet to see, but I looked away to give them a moment to themselves. In doing so, I ended up meeting Lukas’ gaze. He smiled at me and came straight over as if he had been heading in my direction already. For half a second, I felt like a deer before a lion, knowing I would be devoured whether I liked it or not.

“Are you hungry?” he asked. I didn’t answer, my mouth opening but my mind thinking of all sorts of other things and not processing his question. “I love this place, and it’s so close to the site. Have you been here yet?”

Despite him asking me two questions now, I still didn’t speak, but he didn’t seem to be waiting for answers. Instead, he told me all about the menu and the sorts of food I could order. By the time Sarai and Richard rejoined us, I didn’t have the heart to tell him that I had been here once already.

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