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I watch as his lips curl into a grin, and his words sink in as he turns his attention on the two of us. "Deacon, please repeat after me..."

"This ring, my gift to you, symbolizes my commitment to love, honor, and protect you, my wife, all the days of my life."

Deacon slides the gorgeous white gold band onto my left ring finger while repeating the words, then draws a circle gently a few times with his fingers on my palm, prompting a beaming smile from me. It's a gesture so slight I'm sure no one else even noticed, but it means everything to me. He did it for the first time a few months ago, telling me it signifies a promise that his love knows no end. So now it's our thing.

Bella hands me his matching wedding band, and I slip it over his left ring finger, then draw a circle in the same way. His hands are a little sweaty, it’s adorable.

"This ring, my gift to you, symbolizes my commitment to love, honor, and protect you, my husband, all the days of my life."

Pastor Walker pronounces us husband and wife, much to the pleasure of everyone watching. We share our first kiss as a married couple to a roaring wave of applause, the sweet, warm touch of his lips and embrace making it almost impossible for me to breathe.

A series of photographs follows the ceremony, including a special picture of Sasha at the center of her new family. Then, when they've had enough of trying to freeze everyone in place, we settle down for a huge meal. Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds sit beside us and entertain us with tales of their recent travels.

Since retiring, the two of them have traveled through Europe, dined with exotic creatures in Africa and danced with street musicians in South America. They have even picked up a couple of new interests. Mr. Reynolds has become quite the closet inventor with a special fixation on motorized vehicles, while Mrs. Reynolds has taken up knitting, preferring to do so by the seaside.

Their stories are interrupted over and over by the clinking of forks against glasses, our guests prompting another kiss from us. But let the clinks come, I could do this all night. Deacon's lips seem to only get softer and softer each time.

"We wouldn't have seen a shred of this if we'd stayed managing the resort," Dad assures us after our latest smooch. "We can’t thank you two enough for stepping up and taking over. You’ve done a better job of running it than we ever did."

"You're absolutely right, Dad," I joke. I'm still getting used to calling them Mom and Dad. But they insisted almost as soon as Deacon and I announced our engagement.

On the other hand, it took me no time at all to get used to Sasha calling me Mom. Within a week, she wouldn't call me anything else. She really took to it, and I to her, like she was the child I'd always thought I'd have one day. Being her mother—and Deacon’s wife—is a dream come true.

"Can you believe we made it here?" he whispers in my ear.

"Sometimes it feels like a dream. A beautiful, crazy dream."

Deacon chuckles. "Well, don't let it end."

I wrap my arm around his. "Never."

The night unfolds with toasts and laughter. Under the stars, Deacon and I dance, surrounded by the warmth of loved ones. Joined by our family and friends, I reflect on the journey that led us here. The challenges, triumphs, laughter, and tears—I wouldn't trade a single moment for anything. It all matters. Each piece is what makes us... us.

Eventually, the night winds down. Every detail will be forever etched in my mind. Deacon and I guide Sasha back to the room we've designated as hers for the night. She's out like a light in a matter of minutes, and Deacon and I rejoin his parents out on the veranda.

"This place looks amazing," Mom raves.

"All because of you two," Dad adds. "Speaking of which, have you decided what you want to do for your honeymoon? I know you two were still deciding when we spoke last. Of course, we're happy to stay with Sasha and keep an eye on her and this place while you're away. If that's what you still want, that is."

It's been a huge question lingering between us. But a few weeks ago Deacon asked if he could just surprise me and I agreed, so I look to him for the answer to his Dad's question.

"I think we've landed on something." Deacon takes my hand in his and places his other hand on the nape of my neck. "I wanted to do something special for Harper. It took me some time to figure out what until recently."

He turns to look at me. "I remembered something from high school where they asked us questions about what we saw in our future, so I searched and searched until I found our yearbook. One of the questions they asked was, 'If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?'"

"Paris," I say immediately.

"Paris," he echoes.

"Are you serious?" I question with delight.

He nods. "I want to make your dreams come true, now and forever. It doesn't matter where we go to me. My soul needs to be where you are, and seeing you smile is all I could ever ask for."

I throw my arms around him, squealing. "Thank you! I love you!" Over the top public displays of affection aren't really my thing, but he will be thanked properly in due time.

His parents' smiles brighten, matching ours. I glance from my husband to the familiar faces surrounding me. People I've been working with and have loved for some time now. My new family, not so far removed from the ones I thought I'd lost. My past and future melding together into the single most perfect moment in time.

I draw in a deep breath and blink slowly, as if waking from the most restful, magical dream. Knowing I am here with these people, the people who mean the world to me, it makes me realize my fortune.

We haven't reached the end. This is definitely just the beginning.

The End.
