Page 44 of Caught Looking

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“They’re wrong. They don’t know you at all.”

He’s quiet for a moment. The ocean comes into view. I pull into the designated parking spot and kill the engine.

“I packed a picnic for us.”

“Are you stealing a scene from my playbook?”


When I visited Bellow Bay, we had to sneak around my aunt Jan’s back. It seems to be our forte. Anyway, Dalton took me to a beach. He surprised me with a picnic. That was one of my favorite days. It’s no wonder why I would want to recreate it.

Dalton grabs the bag while I grab the blanket. We take off down the path leading to an overhanging cliff. Dalton halts in his tracks and takes in the view.

“Wow. This is incredible.”

The waves crash against the rough, rocky terrain below, drowning any civilization. The sea stretches for miles, but it’s the enormous rock formations that steal the show.

“I’ve always preferred the northern coastal ranges, but this state has some amazing landscapes.” I smirk. “Wait until the sunset.”

“I can finally collect then?”

“It’s three years too late, but yes.”

He lowers to brush a kiss against my lips. “It’s never too late.”

When we were at the beach in North Carolina, I had promised him a sunset. “I’m happy to deliver.”

We settle into the blanket and dig into the sandwiches I brought. He bumps his knee against mine.

“I’m glad you brought food. I’m starving.”

“I thought you would be.”

After he eats a sizable portion of the sandwich, he asks, “How’s the planning for the rummage sale coming along? Ms. Willow ask for me yet?”

“Okay, now you’re just fishing for compliments.” The twinkle in his eye makes me smile. I take a drink and continue, “The rummage sale is pretty much done. I expect a few more items to trickle in, but everything else has been uploaded and priced. I think we’re ready.”

“That’s good. We don’t have a game until later that evening, so I can recruit a few teammates to help in the morning.”

“Really? That would be great.”

We finish, and I collect the trash and toss everything into the bag.

“Come here.” He pats the small space between us, and I snuggle against his large frame. He leans down to kiss the top of my head as he drapes his arm around my shoulder.

“I’m telling my dad about breaking up with Bobby after the welcome home party this Sunday.”

“Do you want me there when you tell him?”

“No, I’ll be okay even though he won’t take the news well. I swear, most days, he loves him more than me. And as much as I’d love to have you there, this is something I need to do myself. But could you be there for the party?”

He gives me a side glance. “Of course. Whatever you want.”

Whatever you want.What I want is for us to be together without any restraints. That will never happen. I know Dad, and he’ll never approve. I hesitate. “You know, even after telling Dad about Bobby, we still can’t be seen together.”

He blows out a breath. “We can sneak around if you want, but your dad isn’t my end-all. He doesn’t have that kind of power.”

“But he does. You don’t know what happened.”

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