Page 94 of Dr. Weston

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Glancing down at Kat, I give her a knowing stare.

“No way,” Kat says, covering her mouth.

“You told her?” Gavin asks.

“Told who what?” Nick’s face is a mask of confusion.

“Pull up a chair, dear. Do we have a story to tell you.”

* * *

Several hours later, long after our conversation, dinner is complete and Kat and I are putting the last of the dishes away, I finally let out an exhale. There’s no doubt. What Gavin shared has to be true. This kid is the real deal. Who knew the people he claimed had taken him under their wing when he needed it had been Nick, and later his wife.

Kat reaches for the baby monitor, turning up the volume as Nick puts Grace down for the night. “I’m telling you. Hearing this is like ear porn.” Kat giggles. “There’s nothing hotter than listening to a man put his child to bed.”

I give her an insincere smile. I’m happy for the two of them. Unfortunately, the timing stinks.

“Oh, Poppy. I didn’t think about Dan and Gavin.”

“Don’t, Kat. From all Gavin shared before he called it a night, it didn’t sound like they had that kind of relationship.”

Kat places a serving spoon into the dishwasher. “It almost feels like Gavin thought the relationship was forced, as if Dan was only going through the motions.”

“I just can’t figure out why Dan wouldn’t have told me. From doing the math, I’m assuming he must have gotten Gavin’s mother pregnant around the time of our brief break up my freshman year. Technically, he wasn’t cheating if that’s the case.”

“Why did the two of you break up? Another girl?”

Rinsing off a serving bowl before placing it in the dishwasher, I shake my head. “No. At least, I didn’t think so. He told me he was feeling overwhelmed. That things had gotten serious so quickly with us, and he was worried we needed to take a step back, focus on school, and make sure this was what we wanted.” I never once contemplated he might be sleeping with other women back then. I was more jealous of his heavy course load. “But it was barely a few months, and he was back saying he was more certain than ever how he felt and that I was the girl he was going to marry.”

“Do you think he had any idea she was pregnant when he came back?”

I turn to look at her, deadpan. “I’m not sure of much of anything anymore, Kat. This whole thing is a mystery to me.” Taking a sponge to the kitchen counter, I add, “For all I know, she didn’t tell him until years later. I mean, did they have time to date during that short period of time? Or was it a one-time hookup? Because if it was the latter, she might not have known how to get in touch with him.”

Kat abruptly stops what she’s doing and puts her hands on the counter. The last time she had this look on her face, I was about to try on wigs to sneak into a sex club.

“Why am I worried about what’s about to come out of your mouth?”

“Just hear me out, Poppy. Shelly’s not dead.”


“Gavin’s mom. Maybe you should talk to her.”

The room feels as if it’s starting to spin. I may have finally hit my limit on shocks to the system today. Finding a kitchen chair, I plop into it.

Kat rushes over. “Oh god. Are you okay? You look pale.”

“I’m all right. I think I might just need to call it a night.”

“Oh, Poppy. I’m sorry. I only mentioned it because I think she’s your only hope for getting any real answers.”

Nodding, I drop my face into my hands. How is this possible? How do I believe anything now? When everything I thought I knew was a lie?



