Page 80 of Luca

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2:02 p.m. | Jillian

How did I manage to do that?

2:04 p.m. | Luca

You really don’t want to know. Your job isn’t the only place that needs a biohazard station. I’ll see you later.

First stop, Truitt’s daycare to pick up the little turtle. The women there are so helpful. Jillian had dropped off his car seat before I arrived and let them know I was coming to get him. Not only was it easier to collect him this time, but Bernadette even offered to put the seat in ‘my car.’

“Thank you. Say bye, little man.”

Truitt makes all sorts of noises, none of which sound like ‘bye.’ More like ‘babababa.’ But it’s something.

I strap him into his car seat as he animatedly tries to share something important. “Ah, you don’t say,” I reply. Once I’m back in the driver’s seat, I turn the key in the ignition in Sampson’s car and search for a radio station I like. As Bruno Mars sings “Uptown Funk” I catch Truitt kicking his legs in the rearview mirror. “Good taste, Tartanuga.”

Singing along to pop hits as I drive, I make quick time to Jillian’s house. I pull up in front of her neighbor, Cliff’s house,and free Truitt from his car seat. We only have about twenty minutes before the school bus gets here, so I decide to check out the pantry to see what I can give them for a snack. I’ve already decided to get pizza delivered. After that interaction with George, there is zero interest in cooking anything tonight.

“Why don’t you sit here and keep me company while I figure out a snack for your sister and brother?” I put Truitt in his highchair and reach for the safety straps when he says, “Dadadadada.”

I’m frozen in place.Oh, hell no.Maybe I heard him wrong.


“No, no, no! Not Dada, Ma-ma.” I run my hands through my hair. “Ma-ma,” I beg.

Truitt squeals. “Dadadadadada.” He kicks his feet, smiling from ear to ear while I break out into a sweat.

“I beg you, Turtle. Don’t say that to your Ma-ma.” I again try to enunciate the two syllables like they’re the most important words he’ll ever say.Because they are, dammit.

Finding a banana on the kitchen counter, I chop up a few small pieces for him and return to the pantry to look for any snacks for the kids. “Ah, some crackers.” I retrieve the Graham Crackers box and place it next to the bananas when I hear my phone chirp.

2:55 p.m. | Jillian

Everything okay?

It’s like she knows.

2:57 p.m. | Luca

Yes. We’re good. Turtle is eating banana and then we’re heading to the bus stop.

My eyes land on Truitt who has banana smashed in both hands.


Shit. I quickly cover the receiver before I remember we’re texting.You’re going to give me a heart attack, kid.

2:58 p.m. | Jillian

Thank you. Tell him Mama says hi.

Oh, I tried. Believe me, I tried.

2:59 p.m. | Luca

I will. Gotta run.

I pull Truitt from his highchair, and head for the front door. Thankfully, he’s done talking for now. “Let’s go get Caleb and Myla, okay?”
