Page 43 of Own

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“That is?”

“You love me,” he stated.

Before I could reply, Lucian said, “That’s interesting. Since she hasn’t mentioned you in weeks. By my book, you no longer exist in her world.”

“This is between Sophia and me, Morelli. Get lost.”

“Not happening. She is my baby sister. What I say goes when it comes to her.”

“Oh, the hell you do.” My temper flared, and I stalked over to my busybody older brother and poked him in the chest. “Did I, or did I not, tell you to stay out of my personal life?”

“You said something I chose to ignore.”

“Damon is your best friend. Why are you so against us?” I glared at Lucian, so ready to clock him in the nose. Knowing him, he’d probably laugh if I tried.

“I’m not. Pierce doesn’t get to tell you what to do.”

“But you do? I will figure this out on my own. I don’t need you to come to the rescue.”

Lucian glowered down at me. “If you kept me in the loop, you wouldn’t have ended up in half the shit you found yourself in over the years.”

“They were my mistakes to make. How many times do we need to go over this before I hit you with a chair to get it into your head?”

“I’m your big brother. I have a right to be involved in your life.”

“I’m not twelve. Get over yourself. Where’s Elaine? She’ll take my side.” Then I shouted, “Elaine, I need you to get your husband before I kill him.”

A hand crept around my waist, and the next thing I knew, I was behind Damon, with him holding me tight against his back.

“Let’s take it down a notch.” The amusement in Damon’s question added to my annoyance. “I have to give it to you. Your family is a hell of a lot more interesting than mine ever was.”

“I’m glad I can entertain you.”

“Is this what you meant by inviting me to dinner to take my mind off things?”

“Not really, but I’m improvising. Want to let me loose so I can use Lucian as my test dummy?”

Damon’s arm tightened around me. “Not a chance, killer. You’re staying right behind me until you calm down.”

“For fuck’s sake, Pierce. You don’t need to protect me from her. What the hell is she going to do to me, scratch me with her nails?”

“Let me show him what I can do with these nails.” I clenched my jaw and pushed Damon, hoping to get around him so I could punch my smart-ass brother. Or maybe I’d just pretending to do it because it’s taking Damon’s mind off the funeral. “Oliana taught me more than enough moves to fuck him up.”

Damon kept a vise grip on my waist, refusing to budge no matter how much I thrashed.

“What is going on in here?” Leo rushed in, followed by Elaine, Leo’s wife Haley, Lizzy, and Eva.

They all came to a halt and took in the sight before them.

“I’m so confused,” Lizzy said, breaking the silence. “Who’s fighting who?”

“Our idiot brother and me.” And since this whole thing proved we were all still two-year-olds, I decided to add, “He started it. Lucian doesn’t know when to butt out.”

Lucian looked up at the ceiling as if he were praying. “Someone deliver me from this insanity.”

“You started it. Now you have to wallow in it.” I smirked at him.

A throat cleared, and then Eva gestured with her chin. “I hope you realize the children watched this whole interaction.”
