Page 44 of Own

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In unison, we all turned our attention to the hallway leading to the playrooms.

Five children of various ages stood in the archway, each with interest and fascination on their little faces.

Of course, Lizzy had to get the littles involved in this mess. “Kiddos, did you see what happened?”

They all nodded.

“Then you know who started the argument?”

They nodded again.

“Who’s the guilty party?”

They pointed to Lucian in unison and said, “He is.”

“I told you they were Satan’s henchmen,” Lucian muttered and then stalked out of the room.

* * *

“You’re a pain in the ass, you know this?” Lucian said as he refilled my wine.

“It takes one to know one.” I lifted my glass, and he followed the gesture before we both sipped.

“The two of you make no sense. One minute, you’re ready to slaughter him, and the next, everything is sunshine and roses.” Damon’s look of confusion had me laughing.

“You’ll get used to our crazy,” I assured him.

“I highly doubt it.”

Lucian leaned forward. “Sophia and I are the black sheep of the family. We have to stick together. Because of that, she can’t stay mad at me for too long. Isn’t that right?”

“More like you’d keep showing up everywhere I went until I gave in.” I rolled my eyes.

“Same thing.”

Leo, Eva, and Lizzy looked up from their spots around the large dining room table with smiles.

“This is how we are,” Eva spoke. “We fight, we yell, and then we get over it. Occasionally, it takes a little time and convincing, but we stick together.”

A knowing glance passed between Eva and Leo. They’d always shared a special bond, just as Lucian and I had our way about us.

“Morellis hate passionately.” Dad decided to join in on the conversation now that he’d downed his third glass of wine. “But we know when to put aside our differences.”

Hopefully, if he was mellow, he would keep with the relaxed atmosphere for the evening.

“I only wish all of my children understood the meaning of loyalty and family.” He stared between Lucian and Leo.

And my hopes were dashed.

“We’re here, old man. Get over yourself,” Leo muttered.

“Ungrateful. All of you.” Dad picked up his glass, downing the rest of the contents. “The only good thing that’s come from you especially are my grandchildren.”

Damon leaned closer to me and whispered, “Is this his version of good behavior?”

“As close as we will get,” I answered and then added. “I promised you a distraction. Am I delivering?”

“Most definitely. You Morellis always deliver on your promises.”
