Page 49 of Own

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I smiled, dropping my forehead to hers. “In that order, or can I mix it up?”

“You decide.”

“Good answer.”

“See, I’m not always a brat.”



A little before eight, I entered the house through the back entrance, following a five-mile run around the family property. Damon left for his place an hour earlier, needing to grab a change of clothes and freshen up before starting his workday.

I still reeled from how he consumed my senses last night. I’d asked him to make me forget, and he’d delivered. My skin continued to burn with need from the way his hands and mouth seemed to have worshiped every part of me.

The only thing that would have made it perfect was if his cock joined the fun.

But then, the whole house would have heard us since it had taken all of my strength not to scream at the top of my lungs from the delicious torture Damon had put me through with his wicked tongue.

It also blew me away that he explained the details of his family history. His past was as sordid and full of scandal as the Morellis, sans the dozens and dozens of legitimate and illegitimate children.

My heart ached for the boy he’d been and the pain he’d suffered under his father’s and grandfather’s thumbs. It explained the bond Lucian and Damon shared.

Like were drawn to like, they both were the eldest sons of abusive fathers who only thought of themselves and their legacy.

Damon opening that door into his life gave me hope for us, but something still held me back.

Maybe I still harbored some anger about what happened between us at the club. When I told him that I’d forgiven him, I meant it.

I knew why he’d done it. He wanted to protect me. As stupid as he was for making my choice for me, he wanted the best for me.

See, Mom, I could be an adult about situations.

I sighed and accepted the truth. It all stemmed from what I’d grown up around.

What if I risked it all with Damon and ended up in a situation like my parents?

I couldn’t do it. I just couldn’t.

No matter how much I loved Damon. I needed more in life than financial stability and status in society. I wanted companionship, friendship, joy, laughter, respect, and, most of all, deep love. My parents had none of this. They were attracted to each other, but the violence and the forced sexual acts between them in no way represented a healthy relationship.

They were the poster couple for never getting married.

Pushing off my sneakers, I set them on the shoe rack, slid on a pair of house slippers, and strode toward the kitchen.

Time for a large cup of coffee.

I’d barely taken five steps when Lizzy came barreling toward me.

“Sophia, where have you been? I was looking for you.”

I frowned. “I went for a run after Damon left. What’s going on?”

“I need to talk to you.” She tugged at my arm, dragging me toward the empty playroom.

Digging my feet in, I jerk us to a stop. “If you want this conversation to remain private, I suggest a different space. Don’t forget about the baby monitors.”

“Shit. You’re right.” She grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a receiving room no one used, but Mom had decorated and ready, just in case the occasion arose.
