Page 77 of Own

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I’d used so many of them to escape through during fashion shows. There had to be some here.

“There is an emergency exit near the heating and cooling shaft about fifty feet away. The maintenance crew has their offices near there,” someone shouted. “If we hurry, we could make it there.”

My stomach dropped as I looked toward the area where he gestured. Going in that direction meant we would bring everyone closer to the fire.

There was no choice.

“I’ll meet you there.”

Less than two minutes later, I reached the area the guy directed us to. I pulled the metal door handle, but it wouldn’t budge.

Panic set it. I yanked on it again, and this time it slightly shifted.

The heat in the area may be affecting the door. Pulling with all my strength, it finally opened, and a blast of warm air cascaded over me.

Ignoring the fear running through my system in full force, I pulled out my phone from my pocket, turned on the light, and used it to guide me toward the stairs.

Shit, if anyone expected to use this as an emergency exit, shouldn’t the stairs be closer to the doors?

I needed to discuss this with Lucian. What a terrible fucking design. Whoever he hired needed a punch in the face or a kick in the head, which was more like it.

Why the fuck was I thinking about building layouts when I needed to get to Lizzy?

Pushing my rambling thoughts back, I turned a corner to find two men holding the woman I assumed was Tammy down the stairs. There was blood seeping from a wound on her face.

“Follow that hallway to the left. It will take you directly out,” I directed the group. “Don’t stay near the building. Go into the parking lot.”

As I took the first step, I yelled to the men, “Where are Lizzy and Foster?”

“They were right behind us. Anderson tripped in the rush to get down, so they are helping him.”

A crash echoed through the walls near me, and I took two steps up at a time.

As I reached the second landing, I saw Lizzy and Foster with Anderson between them. Anderson had his leg bent, and he hobbled down on one foot.

Pain etched his face, telling me there was no way we would get down fast.

Not with the man’s size and injury.

When Lizzy’s eyes connected with mine, relief washed through them. “Sophia, I knew you’d come. You’re always there for me.”

Her words hit me in the gut. No matter what, I’d be there for her.

Tears streamed down her face, and I could tell panic welled up inside her. The only way to keep her calm was to distract her.

Even when we were little, if I talked to her about anything nonsensical, she wouldn’t focus on whatever chaos churned around us.

I rushed toward them. “Why didn’t you bring Tammy down, and the two big guys handle Anderson?”

“Because we didn’t realize how badly Anderson was hurt until he tried to put weight on his leg and fell.” Lizzy stumbled under Anderson’s weight when he shifted to adjust his hold on Lizzy’s shoulder.

“I think I broke it,” Anderson gritted out. “I was trying to keep the door from locking us out. The auto locks will engage if anyone accesses the roof without a keycard, and I lost mine when the ladder broke.”

“Why the roof and not an emergency exit?”

“I don’t know Sophia. Let me think. There was an explosion and a fire. We couldn’t see, and roof access was the first thing near us.” The annoyance on Lizzy’s face would have been comical in any other situation.

“Okay, okay. Sorry. Don’t be so testy.”
