Page 94 of Own

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“I promise. You are a success.”

I glared at her. “You’re biased. You helped me with the project.”

“And I’m one of your models.” She slid a hand down her body. “I want these boots. Why didn’t you tell me you were having them made for me? I would have ordered more colors.”

“Focus. You’re here to give me a pep talk, not ride my ass about boots.”

Since she had the attention span of a gnat, she glanced to her side. “Oh look, he brought her back. Good, she isn’t wrinkled. No time to steam clothes for the virgin.”

The other models around us giggled, and I resisted the urge to look at Lucian and Elaine coming up behind me.

“Shut it, Dominik. I want to see my baby sister walk,” Lucian took a spot near an opening to the stage.

“Go sit with the audience. We are models here,” Oliana said, gesturing to everyone around her. “You can keep my Nikki company.”

Lucian glared at her. “He has enough company with your entourage. I’m good here.”

“So cranky. It has to be a family thing. Sophia is like this, too.”

Before Lucian responded, I stepped between them and made a zip-it motion with my hands over my lips. “Shut it. I have a show in progress.”

“See, cranky. Family trait.”

Oh, for the love of God.

At that moment, through my earpiece, I heard Aiko instruct one of his runners to bring Lizzy out. This meant we had two minutes left.

All the blood ran out of my head, and my heartbeat pounded into my ears.

My hands shook uncontrollably.

This was it. The moment. Everything I worked for.

From the back, I heard the chatter stop, and then people stepped to the sides to let Lizzy pass.

When I saw her, tears burned the back of my eyes. She wore a hooded cap of ivory and silver covering her from head to shoulders. Small intricate patterns overlayed the material, giving it a shimmer. A rope-looking bow cinched the hood closed around her neck.

The gown she wore flowed down her body in smooth and fitted waves. From this vantage point, it resembled a high-end wedding gown worn in winter.

However, as the saying goes, looks can be deceiving.

My baby sister was breathtaking. All I could do was stare at her. I glanced to my sides and saw the same reaction on Lucian’s and Elaine’s faces.

“Lizzy, time to get into position,” Aiko announced. “Everyone, move back. She needs space. Runners. Take your spots. You know what to do once she does her transformation thing.”

I was glad I had someone like Aiko in charge. At this moment, my stomach felt as if it were eating itself.

That’s when I felt his presence behind me.

“Breathe, my Sophia.” Damon’s palm settled on my lower back. “You’ve waited for this moment. Take it in.”

I swallowed down my worry and watched Lizzy step out into the spotlight.

A hush grew over the crowd as if everyone was anticipating something. Lizzy strode halfway down the runway, paused, gave everyone a sly grin, then untied the rope at her neck.

She unfurled the fabric around her head and arms, threw it high above her, and continued to walk. The material flowed in the air as if it were a cape to reveal her actual gown. Her attendants caught the cape in-flight, tugged it down, turned it into a long train, and bellowed out the full skirt of her wedding dress.

The audience erupted into cheers and claps. My heart felt as if it would explode.
