Page 125 of Sin and Betrayal

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“So are you saying you want to tie me to your chair, fuck me, and then ink me?”

“It’s a possibility. Or maybe I want to tease you, get you ready to come, leave you hanging, then ink you before I put you to bed.”

“You wouldn’t be so cruel.” Her plump lips parted the tiniest fraction, allowing her to release an unsteady breath, and her cheeks flushed with her growing arousal.

“Are you so sure?”

“You never leave me unsatisfied.”

She was right about that. There truly was nothing like watching her fall apart. The sounds she made, the heat of her skin, the way her body writhed under my touch.

“I can fuck you first and hold your orgasm until the very end of the session.”

“You wouldn’t.”

“Wouldn’t I?”

“You’d fuck me in here with all the cameras?”

“It’s not as if we haven’t bound and fucked you in locations with cameras before,” Theo responded to her question. “If you remember, we nearly got caught the last time it happened.”

“That was your fault. You’re the ones who decided to mark your territory because you got jealous of someone.”

“I believe your memory of that incident is faulty.” I gripped her hips. “First of all, you lied to your security team and told them that you planned to hang out with one of your friends at her apartment. Then while they waited for you in the parking lot, you snuck out with said friend for a party at a frat house.”

Taking hold of the bottom of her shirt, I pulled it over her head and threw it on a chair near us.

“Second, when we found you, that jackass had you cornered, and you looked as if you were ready to punch him.” Next, I took off her bra, tossing it next to her shirt.

Fuck. This woman had the most beautiful breasts.

Cupping one in my hand, I pinched the tip. Nerine whimpered and bit her lower lip.

“And third, when you saw me and decided to leave, he grabbed you, thinking he could force you to stay. No one touches you.”

I slid my hand up her back and wrapped her damp ponytail around it before jerking her head back. “You will not take risks with your safety. Is that clear?”

Shit. I hadn’t meant to sound so harsh.

No matter how many times I thought through it or how hard I tried to process things, the guilt from that horrible day’s losses would haunt me.

I’d lost cousins, uncles, friends. Theo lost his family—even if they were shits, they were his family. And Nerine, I’d fucking failed to protect her from unspeakable horrors. And in the aftermath, I lost Theo, too.

All for fucking finals for degrees we weren’t ever going to use. I was the one who convinced Theo we shouldn’t blow off the exams. Because of me, Pops had arranged the reassignments.

As if understanding the emotions warring inside me, she cupped my face.

“Xander, it wasn’t your fault. I was happy you weren’t here when everything happened. Did you forget I had Papa order you to take your finals when you second-guessed going that morning?”

“I remember. He threatened to keep Theo and me off all assignments unless we graduated.” I closed my eyes for a brief second, remembering Theios Peter’s face as he lectured me on my future.

Theo and I were the first in our families to attend college and the first of our generation in the Angelos organization.

“I can’t fail you again.”

“You didn’t fail me. I’d say you saved me. Even more so recently. You and Theo know things and protect me in a way no one else does.” She wrapped her arms around my neck, bringing her body flush with mine, then her voice grew stern. “Lose the guilt, Xander. This isn’t the time or place for it.”

I narrowed my gaze at her, feeling the weight of the past lift. “You’re all over the place tonight, Angel. One second a brat, the next so sweet, and now all bossy. I never know what I’m going to get with you.”
