Page 98 of Sin and Betrayal

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“This is the only time I will ever address rumors. And this is because Andraius was your family.”

Tobias waited, watching me.

“When bringing rumors to someone, ask yourself these questions.” I gestured to myself. “Do I look like I have the body mass to eliminate Andraius in the location where they found him and then make it home to create a solid alibi?”


“Now to the second rumor—if I planned to eliminate Andraius, why would I wait all these years for someone to carry it out? And lastly, do you honestly think I’d let him destroy my family’s business positioning before acting?”

He shook his head and grinned. “No, you aren’t a suspect in my eyes. That is the reason I discounted everything as fanciful talk in society.”

“Then why bring it up?”

“To see your reaction.”

I gave him no response.

“And to pass on things you need to keep knowledge about, even if it is hearsay.”

Oh, he was being friendly, passing on information like we were long-lost pals.

“I appreciate the advice.”

A smile touched his lips. “Who do you believe killed him?”

“My men will deal with that situation.”

“Are you referring to Onassis and Nephus?”

“Among others.”

“I’d watch them. They have the ear of your people. You wouldn’t want them to stage another coup under your nose. Don’t let childhood friendship blind you to their ambition. You may find yourself as a figurehead only.”

I resisted the urge to grit my teeth.

“I hold their ear. They follow my commands. Their loyalty is multigenerational to the Angelos family. They would never betray me.”

“Are you so sure?”


He rubbed his jaw as if scrutinizing me. “Will you punish the assailants who committed Andraius’s murder or commend them?”

He was mistaken if he thought I hadn’t picked up on how he kept changing topics. He wanted to keep me on my toes. Very smart.

“You believe there were multiple killers?”

“I do.”

“The way I conduct the Angelos business is not your concern.”

“He is family, so I have a right to retribution.”

“No, you don’t. Andraius renounced his Stratos ties.”

Tobias rose from his seat. “You need allies in this world you’ve joined, Nerine. You’re playing with predators. Don’t ever believe you’re safe.”

“Is that a threat? Are you telling me the Stratoses plan to position themselves outside Chicago and move into Boston?”
