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She will play any game with you or invent one of her own. Don’t worry if you don’t understand the rules. So long as you play with her, she will be perfectly content and do her utmost to keep you entertained. She will, no doubt, provide you with constant amusement.

She wants to be comfortably herself, no matter what, and she will happily do what makes you happy, so long as it doesn’t harm her own well-being. She thinks the world could be much simpler and pleasant, if only everyone didn’t grow up so fast.

* * *

The Kitten

She likesto push things off the bed, including, sometimes, her master. But she means no harm by it. She prefers scratches to whips and snuggles to beatings. A spanking might elicit a yelp, or it might scare her off entirely.

She will purr and curl around you, no matter where you might be. If you dare to lie down on a couch or a chair, be prepared for the Kitten to leap out of nowhere to drape herself across you and the couch. Once you begin petting her, however, be warned. Stopping the petting may result in a sudden Kitten Explosion. Keep petting her for the next ten years, to be on the safe side.

She requires several hours of sleep at a time. She might be the sort that is okay with water, and she may venture from the bed to various bodies of water (bathtub, hot tub, outdoor springs) when time and ability permits. If she is an outdoor Kitten, she will go outside from time to time. If she is an indoor Kitten, understand that it may take a great deal of effort for the Kitten to get dressed and Go. Into. The. Scary. Outdoors.

She will be your loyal companion till death do you part (or until you stop feeding and watering her). She will always be there for a hug, unless she is in an antisocial mood. She will keep the mice away. And attract other, cute Kittens and sometimes Puppies. She will always be there.

* * *

December 25, 10:00pm

Lauraand I are truly the perfect couple. We turn heads whenever we enter a room together. The pixie, dashing blonde with the impressive cleavage, accompanied by the exotic looking brunette with the flashing green eyes when she’s in the mood. And she’s always in the mood at a party. If David is with us, sometimes they don’t even notice him. Tonight, is a little different. We, girls are arriving first. Followed by David and Laura’s new/old boyfriend, John.

Originally, she invited me to a party with just the two of us. David, however, wasn’t sure whether John was coming or not, so he insisted that he’d feel more comfortable if he came along as a protector. Which slightly annoys Laura, but she concedes the point. As long as he doesn’t disturb our date. She keeps telling me I don’t need David to follow us, and she’s right. I don’tneedhim. And the little annoying part of my brain tells me he doesn’t need me, either. That his life is too comfortable, too set. That there may be no room for me in it. He’s alreadygothis life. How am I supposed to carve out anything inside of that?

And as David sensed, Laura’s boyfriend insists on coming along.

They aren’t here quite yet. It’s still just her and me. And a roomful of other attractive people.

She and I order lots of fun drinks and get, okay, very tipsy. We dance, and I’m glad to see that there’s a stripper pole in the room just past the entrance to the house. God, I love this thing! I’ve nowhere near the core strength needed to effortlessly swing round the device, but I employ the whole, fake it till you make it principle. Oops. That last move was less than ballerina graceful. Maybe nobody noticed that. Everybody is pretty drunk by now.

Everything is lovely and sparkly and bright. It’s the holiday season and the hostess is dressed as a sexy elf, in red fishnets, sparkly snowball pasties, and a cute little green and red elf hat. And not much else. The stripper pole looks like the North Pole. The drinks are red, white, and green themed, and, for inclusiveness, also blue and white.

We talk to her partner, who’s made a career of being a fluffer. That is new to me. But apparently, there are people on the set of pornos whose job it is to make sure that girls are always properly lubed up when needed. And he claims he does that by making any woman to touches on the inside squirt. I’m not a big squirter by nature, so Laura and I look at each other. This is interesting.

“Prove it,” I hear myself say.

“Lay down here, and spread your legs,” he answers.

Laura nods, and I lay down on a couch and spread my legs. It’s a pretty worn leather couch, so it shouldn’t be a problem if he is successful. I feel his fingers penetrate me. I’m quite wet just from thinking about it, so he slides them in with almost no resistance. He starts moving them circularly at the top of me on the inside, and within a minute,oh my god, I squirt everywhere. It doesn’t feel all that great, but yeah, it did make me wet enough to shoot several porno scenes.Nice party trick. I look at Laura and he shakes her head. Strange, she’s usually quite adventurous with me around, but maybe not on Christmas?

A bit later, I notice David – out of the corner of my eye – arriving. To be honest, I’m glad he’s here. I feel safer with him around. I don’t know why Laura doesn’t want him here. Doesn’t she like having someone looking out for us? Sometimes you just get lost in the bodies and the feelings…and not everybody asks permission. It’s kind of creepy. I like that he shoos the creeps a good distance from us.

He nods at us, picks up a drink and finds himself a perch from where he can observe everyone. It happens to be next to a woman with high-school style pig tails and wearing a slutty schoolgirl outfit with her breasts falling out.David has been coming out of whatever shell he was in. He can see everything going on, and he’s got someone to occupy his curiosity. And sure enough, they start flirting. He may appear totally engrossed with her, but I’ve seen this play out before. He’s always watching.

A few minutes later, I see someone walk in who must be John. I’ve never met him before. He is shorter than I expected, with a short flat top haircut. Also, older than I expected, and he appears to be wearing make-up to cover it up. He looks far less comfortable than David, and I wonder why he came. David’s hands are already on the schoolgirl’s lovely behind –likely testing his firmness hypothesis– but John appears to be avoiding eye contact with anyone. Whatever, his choice.

I pull her over to the other room to dance with me and play, away from the boys.

* * *

December 26, 2:45am

I stretch and wake up,and it’s still the middle of the night. David is tossing a bit in his sleep.

Darn. I hate messing up my sleep schedule. It was a wonderful night. Mostly. Laura and I danced. A lot. John’s discomfort kept interrupting our time together. Whenever a guy started flirting with Laura and me, John would urgently need to talk to Laura about some matter or other. Leaving me alone with the guy. Which was fine for him, but I didn’t really just want to hook up with random guys. I wanted an experience with Laura. So, I’d find a way to awkwardly excuse myself or shoot David a look to extricate me from the conversation — and then she’d come back to me, another guy would flirt with us, and the whole thing would repeat.

And she would just go along with it! On the cruise, she stayed by my side and seemed to almost flaunt our relationship in front of the old fuddy-duddies. Last night, she seemed very different – much more deferential to John. The instant he wanted her attention, she’d leave my side without a second thought. I’d go back, fetch her, but she only stayed until he motioned for her again. It was weird. She didn’t mention any of our times from the cruise around him, either, or any of our dates. It felt to me like she was pretending they didn’t happen. For his sake. Maybe for her sake. I’m probably being insecure and paranoid, but I don’t know. I just didn’t feel great. Something was very off.At the end of the night, she and he left together. Leaving David and myself to also go home together.I suppose there are worse outcomes.

December 26, 10:45am

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