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“I said, I don’t know her.”

“No,you saidI got the wrong guy.” I glance at the woman, then back to him. “Looks like the women you know have something in common.”

“Watch your mouth-”

Leaning in close, I cut him off. “If I had a girl like Ad, I’d do everything in my power to keep her.” Stepping away, I clap him on the shoulder. “See ya, Steve.”

I stop and pick up the stool, righting it before I walk to the front door, saying over my shoulder, “I’ll tell the Casanovas you said hi.”

I walk out to the parking lot and just as I reach for the handle of my truck, I hear my name called. I pause, but don’t turn around.

“I see the way you watch her.” He yells out. “You’ll never get her, though. She’s too good for you and doesn’t need to babysit your drunk ass.”

My blood runs cold, and I want to turn around and fight, but something in me stops me tonight. Instead, I raise my hand with my middle finger extended, getting into my truck as I yell, “At least I’m not a cheater.”

With one last sneer in his direction, I buckle my belt and rev the engine, trying to calm my racing heart.

My words to him about doing anything to keep a good woman echo in my ears.

And for the first time since I was sixteen, it’s not tequila I crave.

It’s her.



“Rack ‘em up!Come on, man up! I’m taking all your money tonight!” I’m letting off some steam at Moose’s with Adam and his best friend, Jackson, and two guys from my dad’s construction crew.

Jackson Gage, and his sister Britt, have been a part of our family since we were kids. When their dad took off on them, their mom had to work crazy hours to make ends meet, and once he and Adam joined the football team, my parents took extra care to get Jackson what he needed. There were so many nights he ate dinner with us after practice and then I’d wake up and he’d be at our breakfast table, before heading out to school. To me, he’s just another brother.

It’s been another long work week, and these cold beers are going down fast. Steve occupied my thoughts since seeing him at the bar, and I debated a hundred times about telling Chelsea. If Tom was here, he’d give me good advice, but I know enough that if I was to go in screaming that Adley is dating a cheater, it wouldn’t do well for me.And if I went to Adam, it would just be one more thing he’d add to his list to fix. Thus, leaving Chelsea out in the cold again.

I won’t lay any more shit than I have to on them because I want them to make it as a couple. Our family needs Chelsea, and until Adam can get it through his head that he doesn’t need to be in charge of everything, or fix everything, I’ll keep any extra drama away from them.

Hmph. And they sayI’mselfish.

“Since when are you such a pool shark?” My oldest brother asks while throwing a twenty on the table. The other guys ante up and we rack the balls to see who’ll hit first.

“Yeah, Bill. Since I got drafted, you’ve become quite the gambler.”

“Jackson, your football games make the bets too easy. I needed to learn a new trade.”

“What are you saying about my team?”

“Nothing about your team. It’s their leader that guarantees me my win.” Getting a rise out of Jackson is always the highlight of my night. Just because he’s an NFL Quarterback now, doesn’t mean he gets a free pass, and the guy can dish itandhe can take it.

My brother is a crybaby and gets annoyed when we give him shit, hence our little nicknames we have for him behind his back. My twin always lets me push him around too, but he knows it’s all in fun. He’s the quiet one, but when he hits, he hits. Of course, no one can touch the princess. Francesca is protected by us all.

Jackson comes behind me, grabs my biceps, pulling me against his chest. “Adam! Free shot! Come on, do it for your bestie!”

Bending over the pool table, ready to strike, Adam grunts out his annoyance. “Jesus, can you two act like adults for once in your life?”

The two guys from our crew come back over with a new tray of beers and some shots. Snatching one, I quickly down it and swipe a beer from the tray. I notice Adam watching me, but I turn and grab a stick, determined not to let him ruin my buzz tonight.

“Bill, any dates lately? I heard Grace was hanging around.”

I scoff, “Grace isalwayshanging around.” Guzzling the last of my beer, I grab my brother’s bottle and walk to the other side.
