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We both laugh. “Yup, that must be it.”

Turning and marching me to her closet, she rummages through her clothes. “Listen, let’s party tonight. Cut loose! All the girls arehome. It’s been a while since we’ve all been together.” She pauses, eying me as she continues, “I’m sure Billy will be there.”

My heart races at the mention of his name. He’s been on my mind for the last three months, always wondering what he’s doing, and especially how he’s doing. I thought about reaching out to him often, wanting to try to help him, but I know he’s not ready. And honestly, I’m not either.

I needed to end it with Steve in order to get my own life in order. I see what I want, where I’m going, and I won’t be a babysitter or be made to feel there’s something missing. After spending my younger years in chaos, I know what I don’t want as an adult.

I’m not like Chelsea, who only ever wanted the family life. How could I after what we went through? Our dad was in and out of our lives, never committing to anything. He could barely make it home for dinner most nights, choosing bars, gambling and other women over his own family. The instability that was a daily basis for us drove me to swear off love. Instead, I took my experience and made it work for me.

You’d think someone who grew up without love wouldn’t be able to write romance, but knowing what I don’t want, it’s easy to write about what I do want. I write about what I hope to find one day if I allow myself to be open to it. It’s been a slow go, but my last book finally made an impact.

And I have Billy to thank for it.

I’ll never find a book boyfriend, but it’s fun to dream. And Billy is just that guy I love to build up and bring back down to earth. The ultimate Casanova, love ‘em and leave ‘em. He’s taken his name to heart.

So, I wrote him in as the town playboy with a rough past and bad habits to overcome. The one who was never going to pick just one girl, until one day he finally found his match. That book hit top of the charts just last week, and it gives me satisfaction every time I think about it, and him. I smile, imagining that maybe I could be that one to tame him.

To save him.

He’s got a great family foundation, so there’s definitely somethingelse going on in his mind that makes him act out. He breaks his mother’s heart with every beer he drinks and every new girl that comes through that front door.

“How’s things going with him, anyway?”

She shrugs. “Very surface right now with the family. You can feel the tension when they are all together. It’s sad. I feel bad for Mrs. Casanova. I’ve been helping her more in the office. I enjoy spending time with her, but you can see she’s hurt.”

My heart pangs. I can understand her pain, to a point. Billy isn’t my child, but I still grew up with that feeling of walking on eggshells. Chelsea and I both did, and it wasn’t pleasant.

“Billy’s a real good guy. I wish everyone could see it.”

I see it. Iknowit, but I can’t go there right now. “Billy is a good time, but not boyfriend material.”

“Who said anything about a boyfriend?” She nudges me. “I know how you get down. And Billy is the one for it.”

Rolling my eyes, I retort, “Yeah, Billy is the one for it,for everyone.”

“I don’t know,” she sing-songs. “I see the way he looks at you.”

“Oh? You mean all four times we’ve been in the same room together?”

“It’s more, Adley. He asks about you. A lot.” She laughs and then adds, “It’s only going to get harder to stay away from him, Ad. And with the way you tease him? It’s like you two are just begging one another to come close. Adam swears he’s gasoline and you’re the match.”

“Let me write that down,” I exclaim. “That’s a great line.”

“Oh! That reminds me! I have something for you.” She runs to her bedside table and comes back with a small box. “Here. This is congratulations on your best seller! I saw this and knew it was for you.”

Smiling, I give her a quick hug and open it. Inside is a beautiful delicate gold chain with a gold book charm hanging from it. “Ah! I love it!” I pull it out and hand it to her. “Here, help me put it on.”

After she secures it, I go to the mirror in the hall and admire it. “Thank you, Chelsea. It’s perfect.”


We’re havinga great time tonight. Being with my sister and the girls makes me feel alive.

Growing up, we only had each other. We didn’t make friends since we couldn’t bring them home given there was no way we could invite anyone over to watch the dysfunction of our home. So now that we’re grown, making our own choices, and having Britt, Francesca, and Farrah to count on is everything.

The music is loud, and the laughter is louder, but when Billy enters I swear the record scratch stopped time. Dressed casually in jeans and a shirt, the sunglasses he wore as he entered the house made him look like a rock star, and if his looks didn’t get you, his magnetic charm would. You know he’s here even if you’re not in the same room with him. He’s the life of the party and boy, can he drink.

The show is just that, though. I don’t think he realizes how much he’s loved. He’s everyone’s favorite. You can see how they admire him, want to be near him. The guys all want to be his best friend and the girls all want to be his number one girl. Bill makes everyone he comes in contact with feel special. He’s very good at pleasing people, but I honestly think he means it. Hewantsothers to be happy.
