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A shadow passes over his face, and it’s ominous. Glancing at Tom, he’s focused on him, too. And it hits me.

“Cash? You can go back to work, right?”

When Cash did his four years and left the military, his next step wasto become a police officer. He’s told us on many occasions he couldn’t continue in the military after he lost his cousin, so this was his next and only choice. If he doesn’t have this, I don’t know what he’ll do.

“The recovery is taking a little longer than expected, is all.”

The words hang in the room. I smack the back of his head, ruffling his hair a bit. “Maybe you should let your dick recover and focus on your shoulder.”

“Letting her rehab my dick takes the focus off my shoulder.”

“Ooh! There it is!” I bellow, rubbing my hands together. “I’ve been waiting for that!”

Tom chortles, and the sound makes me smile. It’s good to have my brother back.

“Guys, Chief is going to chop my dick off,” Cash says with a groan. “I won’t have to worry about my shoulder.”

“Yeah, I can’t really argue with that.” Standing, I turn and put my hand out, offering to help Cash up. He takes it and we both amble into the kitchen, circling the island and begin making plates. I grab two beers and one soda from the fridge and place them on the counter. Grabbing the soda first, I don’t miss the way Tom’s small smile forms at my beverage choice.

“But it’s definitely going to be fun to watch.”

Cash flips off my brother and I laugh.

“Gives new meaning to the term shotgun wedding.”

“Speaking of weddings, when’s the date, Tom?”

“What are we, a bunch of women?” Tom drops his eyes and turns away from us. This is his tell that he’s hiding something. Since we were little kids, if he tried to keep something from someone, he couldn’t look at them.

“Just need to be sure I’m in shape for the big day.” I wait for him to face us again.

“What about your big day, Bill? What’s wrong? Can’t seal the deal?”

Pausing as Tom’s words flood through my brain, I place my plate down and retort, “Bro, fuck you.” Eyeing the beer on the counter, I want to grab it and swallow it down in one gulp.

“Six months ago we sat here, and you said you’d marry her.” He shrugs and takes a bite of his burger.

“I’m trying!” Throwing my hands in the air in exasperation, then I let out a breath and lean on the counter.

Cash moves slowly. “I thought that was a joke.”

“Not a joke. I ask daily and can’t convince her,” I reply with a shrug. “She’s right to be leery.” Trying to occupy my hands from reaching for that drink, I grab my burger and take a bite.

“No, you’re proving it now. But the first thing you’re going to have to do is make a decision about the bar.”

“I don’t know. I’m there to help Al, but I don’t know if it’s the place for me. I mean, come on, an alcoholic running a bar?”

“Makes perfect sense to me.”

“Don’t be a dick.”

Laughing at me, Tom goes on. “I’m serious! What better way to prove you’ve overcome something than to be smack dab in the middle of it?”

“It’s a temptation I don’t need.”

“Bill, you’re not that guy. I don’t know how many times I have to tell you. You were a kid Billy, you made stupid choices that you won’t ever do again. Stop beating yourself up.”

“But I could have saved all of us from heartache. Especially her. And instead, all I did was give this family more.”
