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“Save.” Francesca takes my hand. “You two are saving each other, one day at a time, Adley. You did it for him, let him do it for you. He’s who you need. Give him the chance to show it.”

They’re right. It’s time I allow myself to grow, to move beyond my past hurts and embrace the possibilities of a future, but I know I needto be careful how I approach Billy with this. He’s always walking a tightrope, and I can’t handle the instability of a rocky relationship.

I know he’s not going anywhere physically, but emotionally, I can’t babysit.

I have my own demons to work through.

I can’t be responsible for his, too.



I metwith the venue for my parent’s anniversary party today. The Holiday Star Inn was Francesca’s first choice for her wedding, but when it had a fire a week beforehand, we had to make a quick change, so we all stepped up, and they got married on the football field, which made perfect sense.

Once the wedding was over, my dad took a special interest in the Inn and began renovating. It’s gorgeous now, fresh and new, like everything else that surrounds me, and it was my first thought for the anniversary party.

I ran it by Francesca, and she loved the idea, so she gave me Stefan’s number, the owner of the Holiday Star, and I met with him earlier today. We booked it and I went through a bunch of menu items with him as well, and I told him the girls will want to decorate and would be in touch to overwhelm him shortly.

Then I went to work at the cul-de-sac on Gum Drop. The finalhome will be completed next month, and I like how that little block ended up.

And to think I used to party in these empty shells.

I shake my head at my stupid antics and glance around the bar. Moose’s is packed tonight. I knew it would be and I knew Al would need the extra set of hands. The Christmas Comets just won another game, and the town is here celebrating. The place is loud, everyone with whispers of possible state champions once again. Once Jackson shows, it’s going to get louder given he’s a small celebrity in this town.

Makes me mad to know he’s thinking of leaving.

I’m waiting to hear more but I haven’t asked, though tonight may be the night. I’m vibrating behind the bar, the voices and smells as well as the fact I haven’t seen Adley since this morning, has me on edge, and I know I need to get home to her.

There’s a ruckus at the front of the bar as Jackson arrives, though he’s not alone. He’s got Dane Beckett and Jameson Winters with him and, putting two and two together, my blood boils. Jameson is the QB for the Carolina team Jackson has been wanting to coach, and Dane has just been hired to Francesca’s PR firm.

Coincidence they’re here tonight? I think not.

They make their way to the bar, and Jackson climbs onto the bar top to get to me, laughing and shoving me around as I sputter, “You just saw me yesterday. Get the fuck outta here!”

Dane and Jameson pull him down while I come around the front to greet them. Pulling them both in close and giving slaps on the back, the crowd around them cheers. Jameson just won the Super Bowl, playing for Jackson’s old NFL team, The Warriors. Jackson getting Jameson a shot to play there, after coaching him in high school, brought them both full circle.

Despite Jameson's status as an NFL Quarterback, no one here seems to care. They love him, and he’s still that small town kid who made it big, and frankly, they’re more crazed about Jackson bringing them another State Championship, than Jameson playing pro ball.

The guys grab seats at the end of the bar and as I head back behindit, Al meets me in passing, already having their drinks ready. “Allow me to do first honors?”

He laughs as Jackson jumps onto his stool and whistles for the bar to quiet down, and I smirk, elbowing Al as I nod at Jackson. “This guy loves the spotlight.”

Al smiles and places his hand on my shoulder, watching with love in his eyes as Jackson says, “Christmas! Thank you for showing up tonight for the kids.Yourkids! The heart of this town!”

The crowd cheers, and I glance over at Jackson, obviously in his element. He was made for the spotlight, even if that spotlight isn’t the one he always envisioned for himself.

“We came out strong tonight and we’re holding steady with a four and one record. And with three games left, we’re going to give it all we got. That one loss means nothing. It’s a blip on the radar because, underneath it all, these kids are hungry. They want a win. Theyneeda win. This towncraaaaavesa win!” He throws his hands out to the side, and the stool rocks beneath his feet.

The cheers increase in volume as Jameson jumps on his stool. “Take it from me. As a kid who dreamed about each win from pee wee football straight up to the big game, these kids are dreaming. And this town has the coach who can make that dream a reality. Don’t doubt it! Rally around them!” His voice is cracking as he tries to yell over the cheers of the bar. “Show up! It means the world to have that support!” He waits for the screaming to quiet down. “Then …. watch what they do.” He says it quietly, and the place erupts again.

There are tears in Jackson’s eyes as Jameson claps him on the back, jumps down, then holds his hand out and helps him down, too. They wrap each other in a hug, while Dane roughs them up. The camaraderie they have is genuine, and my heart hurts as I recall how mad I got about the rumor that Jackson is leaving. Until I hear it from him, I can’t get upset.

And even if it is true, Adam is right. I can’t hold him back from doing something he was clearly born to do.


The night carrieson and slowly, the bar crowd dwindles. I’ve done a lot of restocking, trying to keep busy and away from the excessive partying that’s been happening. Al was here for quite some time, but I sent him home when I saw he was looking tired.
