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“She’ll be here,” Chelsea says with a sly smile. “She’s staying with me for a little while.”

Reaching for her hand, I squeeze it. “I’m happy to know she’s here, but I hate the reason why.”

She studies me. “What do you mean?”

“Chels, I work with my brother. I know where he is all the time. I also know that leaves you alone most nights, and it’s not fair.”

Her face softens. “You’re a good man, Bill.”

“I’m not. But feel free to spread that rumor.”

She chuckles and shakes her head at me. “Listen, on a serious note. Adley’s got a … guy.”

My eyebrows raise at Chelsea’s words. I don’t want to say I’m disappointed, but I am. Adley is gorgeous. Why wouldn’t she have a man? I was kind of hoping I’d get to play with her more. After meeting her at the party and a few random run-ins, she seems to be the exact type of woman I’d go for.

If I was the type to settle down.

Which I’m not.

But I do enjoy our playful conversation and the flirty dynamic between us.

“What’s that mean? Got a guy?”

She waves me off again, her easily dismissive act annoying me, but I let it slide. “They’ve got history and I have a feeling Adley is only sticking it out because of that. They’ve known each other for a long time and just finished college together, but I don’t like him. He’s not right for her, and I’m hoping now that they’re not in school together, and if I can keep her here longer, she’ll come to her senses.”

“Do I need to step in?” I ask in a low tone.

She catches my drift and replies, “No.” And when I then crack my knuckles, she says “No,” more forcefully and covers my hands with hers. “It’s not like that, but it has the opportunity to become comfortable, and I honestly don’t want that for her. She’s not a comfortable person. She deserves excitement and passion. If you haven’t noticed, she’s not the type to be tamed. She needs someone who will fuel her fire, not stifle it. Adley needs to break out of the idea that the home life we grew up with is the way it should be. It’s not. She gets to design and take charge of a new one.”

Adam has mentioned the dysfunction they grew up with, and that’s why Chelsea is leery of committing completely to my brother. And he doesn’t ease her fears by leaving her alone to work all the time. “She needs a guy who’s going to let her be a little wild. When she meets the man who’s meant for her, he has to be strong enough toknow she won't abandon him just because she won’t be tied down. But until then, I have to be supportive.”

Adam enters the living room, eyeing our closeness on the couch. I take the opportunity to get one more dig in.

“You shouldn’t leave your girl alone, Adam. I almost had her!” She smacks my chest and I quickly grab her hand and hold it against me, enjoying the way my brother’s eyes turn red at the way I’m touching his girlfriend.

“You’re terrible.” She pushes away from me off the couch and goes to stand by Adam.

A door opens and shuts and then we hear, “Sis?”

“Ooh, now it’s getting good. In here, Adley!” Keeping my feet kicked up on the table, I prepare to see the gorgeous girl that caught my attention, but my excitement comes crashing down when she walks in with a guy at her side. My hand holding the beer bottle squeezes it to the point of pain, and my other automatically clenches into a fist. One look and I already know I don’t like this guy at all.

A second look has me wondering why I’m having such a reaction to the situation.

“Steve. I didn’t know you were coming.” Chelsea’s quick change in her tone of voice sets me on edge and I glance at my brother, and we have a silent conversation. He doesn’t like this guy either, which makes me wonder what he knows about him, and also makes me wonder what else Chelsea isn’t telling me.

“I sent you a text. Steve surprised me by coming in for the weekend.“

Steve steps in and gives Chelsea a hug, and I notice her body is tense. “Now that school is done, I have a bit of free time, so I figured I’d make the trip. I need to see what all the fuss is about here in Christmas!” He extends his hand to Adam, his tone sarcastic but covered with a laugh.

Nope. I don’t like this guy.

“How you doing, man?” Adam nods and shakes his hand, but steps away from him quickly.

“Hi, Billy.” Adley stands awkwardly next to Steve, and I lift my hand that’s draped across the back of the couch in a wave.

“Hey Ad. Looking beautiful as ever.” Steve snaps his eyes to me and steps right up to me, but I refuse to stand from the couch, gripping my beer tighter. He puts his hand out, but I don’t move. He glances around the room, then retracts his hand.

“I’m Steve.”
