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We’re two days out from the anniversary party and I haven’t seen or spoken to her in that time. We both needed a minute to think things over, and Chelsea sent me a text that she was with her. I know she’s safe, but it’s killing me that we’re not together.

She has a doctor appointment tomorrow and I know I’ll be next to her in that room, but I have no idea how the rest will play out. I also know Jackson’s news will be revealed at the party, which means the day is going to be full of drama.

It’s late and I’m finishing up work with Adam on a house we knew would be a mess, but we’re so close to finishing we don’t want to let up. I also have nothing to go home to, so staying here to finish it is ideal.

“I don’t want to ask,” Adam says. “But I’m going to.”

Adam questioning me is annoying but I expect it at this point. Especially seeing how he’s married to Adley’s sister, and he’s probably privy to a lot of information I wouldn’t have.

And me leaving that ring, I knew I was sealing my fate.

I’d normally go to Tom about this crap, but I know he’s deep into it with Farrah, and if I’m right about the feeling I have, they’ve already jumped into more. So, I’ll let them have their time even though, as my twin, I just want to run to him with everything.

I sigh heavily and then say, “Ask.”

“Where’s the ring you bought?”

I shrug, “Couldn’t tell you.”


I’m angry, but it’s my own doing. I have no one else to be mad at, but I needed her to know nothing about her and how I react to her has been on a whim. Sighing again, I fall back against the wall, letting my legs slide out in front of me. “I fucked up. Like, big time, fucked up. I left that ring on the table with a note.”

“I heard. It wasn’t very Casanova-like.” He’s trying to lighten the mood, but I can’t dig myself out of it enough to smile right now.

“She had me so fucked up, I didn’t know what to do. Should I have run back outside and proposed again? She just told me she didn’t think I was serious about any of it. It clearly left an impact, though. I haven’t seen her in two days.”

He comes and sits next to me. “First of all, she’s fine. And I know you know that otherwise you wouldn’t be sitting here. Giving you guys breathing room right now is okay, but it’s going to end eventually. She has an appointment tomorrow and you’re going to go with her.”

“Damn straight I’m goin-”

“But before that, you’re going to go to her. Don’t let this linger. I’ve been where you are before. When Chelsea left, I should have chased her. I should have done a lot of things differently, and if it wasn’t for Dominic, I don’t think she ever would’ve come back. And that would have been on me. I would have lost the best thing ever.” Hearing him actually give voice to a fault of his own, I drop my head. “So, learn from my mistakes, little brother. Don’t wait. She’s got something of yours that’s very important.” Picking my head up, I look at him. “She’s got your heart. And your heart is what’s kept this family going. If she leaves with it, we all lose. Do you understand what I’m saying, Billy? I won’t lose here.”

His words, his stare is so intense that my heart races. I know what he’s saying, and for the first time in many years, I’m not offended by it. I’m not mad that they think I can’t handle myself because I’ve seen the progress and I know it’s been all of them that have pushed me to the top.

They’ve helped me reclaim everything that’s been lost.

Now it’s my turn to give back to Adley.



For two nightsI’ve been in my old house. After finding the ring, and speaking with Janet, I needed a minute to get my thoughts in order. I came here and wrote and wrote and wrote. I was able to work out emotions I’ve held onto and some I didn’t even know were there.

I should have done this years ago.

Since I’ve been with Billy, I’ve been going through the motions.

Yes, I’m in love with him, and I don’t see myself anywhere else, but I also live in the land of what ifs, constantly worried about the inevitable fall because that’s what I’ve been conditioned for. To never wonder what happenswhen, it was alwaysif, because I knew there wouldn’t actually be awhen.

In this case, theifwas just my own fear creeping in, and instead of burying it and putting trust into where we’re at right now, I let the fear simmer. I let it grow into a problem that was never there to start, and I let it almost ruin us.

And if I go back to him now, I can save us, too.

He’s been working late, so I took my time getting my things together before coming back to his house. I basically emptied everything I had in my old house and slowly walked it to his house, where I’ve been putting things away.

For good.
