Page 114 of Irresistible

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Hysteria is in the air.

I’m going to either laugh or cry, but it’s going to be extreme either way.

What comes out of me is a snorty cry, but Wyatt’s the one who clamps his hand over his mouth. He says something under his fist that we can’t hear, hops up, and rushes to the bathroom, croaking out, “I cannot keep secrets!”

Dakota’s mouth falls open and her eyes are round. “Wyatt gots thecreth?

I try to tamp down the laugh welling up, hearing the lisp and baby talk coming back out in full form.

“Mama,” she says. “We should not laugh at him.” She looks back toward the bathroom and leans closer to me. “Should we check on him?”

“Let’s give him a minute,” I tell her.

She keeps shooting concerned glances toward the bathroom. “I’m really glad he’s coming to Donuts for Dad, unlessthicknetheth.”

Hearing her saysicknesseswith that thick lisp, I can’t keep it in another second. She’s been talking so grown up lately, I’ve missed hearing that lisp so much. I laugh until I cry, my head falling back against the headboard. I wipe my face, trying to catch my breath.

“We’ll just have to stay healthy then, won’t we?” I say through my laughing tears.

“Do you think he’ll be able to go to Grinny’s?” Dakota whispers.

“Yes, I think he’ll be just fine, my love. Why don’t you go peek in there and see if Uncle Logan is awake? Don’t wake him up, but check it out…”

She nods, happy to be on a mission, and skirts down the hall.

I knock on the bathroom door and hear a muffled, “Come in.”

When I crack open the door, he’s sitting on the edge of the tub, elbows on his knees. I ogle his naked chest, his long, tapered fingers resting on his thick, muscled thighs. He glances up sheepishly, and the tips of his ears turn red.

It makes me smile.

“You all right, BDE?”

He runs his hands through his hair and it goes every which way, underlining how out of sorts he is.

“I—” He leaves it hanging for a while and shakes his head. “I don’t know what happened to me in there.” He makes a sound with his mouth, diving his hand from up high to smack into his other hand like a big explosion.

I press my lips together. “It wasn’t that bad,” I say.

His head still lowered, his eyes lift to mine for a brief second. “Even Dakota looked at me like I’d lost my mind.”

“I think the shock of everything may have caught up with you.”

He snorts.

“And you’re not used to getting interrupted in the heat of passion and having to think fast when all the blood has rushed to your dick.”

His eyebrows lift, but he doesn’t deny it.

“I have an idea.”

He holds his hand out and drops it. “I’m all ears.”

“I’ll ask Logan to watch Dakota and we can go to the hospital.”

His eyes meet mine again, the concern there now.

“I’m feeling fine. But I’d say the chances are high that you’ll never last at Grinny’s later. Our news and whatever else you’re feeling,bayyyybelicious, just might fly right out of your mouth.” I start laughing and he doesn’t, but one side of his lips twitches. “So, how about you do my lab work or whatever will give us a ballpark idea of how far along I am, since that’s what everyone will ask, and we’ll tell them at Grinny’s later?”
