Page 103 of Falling

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She makes a shocked sound. “You don’t really believe that, do you? These things happen and Thor might’ve appeared healthy, but there might’ve been more going on thanwe know. You haven’t been there to know for sure, have you, sweetheart?”

“No, I haven’t and neither have you and Dad, so I guess we’re all to blame, aren’t we?”

“That’s not what I meant. Where is all this hostility coming from? It’s not like you.”

“Junior is—” I hesitate, looking around the yard. I told Callum more than I should and honestly, telling my parents might make me feel worse about the whole thing.

“I was actually calling you about Junior. I mean, I was returning your messages too, but…I got one from Junior that was really strange.”

“What did he say?”

“He said we need to keep our end of the deal and make sure you marry him. Do you know what he’s talking about? I know he’s upset about you not marrying him and is exuding extremelytoxicenergy, but I thought it was over. He’s acting like he’s still hung up on you marrying him.”

“He’s worse than I ever knew.”

“He sure is. He threatened to take away our RV if we didn’t get you back to Utah to marry him. He can’t really do that, can he?”

My head drops and I close my eyes for a few beats.

“I don’t know, Mom. I still haven’t seen the paperwork. I don’t know what you signed, but I’m trying to get it from the county office.”

“It’s a good thing you’re in Colorado. He doesn’t sound very healthy right now. I’m sure it’ll blow over in time,” she says. “We’re about to pull into the park. We’re in Washington—can you believe it? It isgorgeoushere.”

“Have fun,” I say.

My insides shake with fury. I’m so angry with my mom…with both my parents. I’ve lost the farm, an emu, and now Callum. And they’re off having the trip of their life, not even slowing down to think about anything or anyone else.

The sun has gone down and the temperature has dropped considerably. I shiver and walk back into the barn, petting each emu as I make sure they’re secure for the night. When I reach Dolly, she comes over and stares at me like she knows something’s not right.

“How are you more perceptive than my own mother?” I ask.

She leans her beak on my shoulder and I rub her ears.

“Love you, Dolly. We’ll be okay. I’ll make sure of it.”

When the chores are done, I look around, watching and listening for any signs of Junior. There aren’t any. But there also aren’t any of Callum. I wouldn’t blame him if he just turned around and drove back to Landmark Mountain. No one deserves this.

Stepping inside the RV, a fresh wave of grief hits me. It smells like Callum and it makes me miss him all the more.

It physically hurts.

I take a shower and it feels strange to crawl into this bed. My time with Callum was brief and yet it encompassed my whole world. Made everything before seem insignificant. I hardly remember the person who redid this RV and made wedding plans with Junior—it feels like another lifetime.

My phone buzzes and I pick it up, my heart thumping when I see the text from Callum.


I’m parked behind a few trees, and I can see the back of the barn. I’ll walk the perimeter throughout the night and if I see anything concerning, I’ll call you and the police.

The next one comes a second later.


I love you, Ruby.

My eyes blur.

I want to thank him. Tell him he shouldn’t miss a night of sleep over me. That I want him in here with me more than anything. I also want to tell him to go home and not look back, that I’m not worth this.
