Page 116 of Falling

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“Thanks, Theo,” I say.

“No problem.”

It’s comfortable within minutes. I’ve never had brothers to give me a hard time, and it might take some getting used to, but I think I’m going to love it.

After we finish eating, we fill the floor of the semi with hay and start rounding up the emus. There aren’t any major complications, it just takes time. Most of them have never been out of this yard. I do have reservations about uprooting them, but I’ll watch closely and if there are any problems, I’ll look into selling them to someone in a warmer location.

I don’t want it to come to that though.

When we finally get on the road, Callum’s driving Jolene and I’m in the passenger seat next to him, Dolly and her friends Lorde and Aretha are in the trailer behind us. Sutton and Wyatt are in Sutton’s SUV, and Theo is hauling the semi. Quite the crew for a road trip.

I felt so helpless when I got here. It’s still hard for me to believe that it all worked out. I turn back to look at my house one last time.

Callum reaches out and takes my hand. “Are you sad to leave?”

I shake my head. “I’m excited for what’s ahead. I couldn’t have done this without you, Callum. Without all of you.”

“Get used to having us because once a Landmark loves you, it’s forever.”

I lean my head against the seat and turn to look at him. “I’m counting on that.”




Our first morning back, we wake up to a crash and I hurry down the stairs with a baseball bat while Ruby huddles behind me with her phone, ready to call 911.

Nothing seems amiss in the living room, but I follow the sounds, getting more certain the closer I get that it’s Delphine up to her old tricks.

Sure enough, she’s in the pantry, knocking things off theshelves.

“Delphine,” I say loudly and she startles, turning around with her innocent eyes and pitiful bleats. “Don’t you give me those eyes, this is very naughty.”

I hold up the empty peanut butter jar and wave it.

“Was it worth it?” I ask, hearing Ruby’s giggles behind me. “What did you wreck to get in here this time?”

I have to make a few repairs, but fortunately no one else escaped.

Ruby makes a video about it, and I get texts and phone calls about it for days. Word’s traveled around town that we have an influencer in our midst, and when I go to the grocery store or to Clip-Clop for supplies, I’m teased by Cecil or Clip-Clop Clive calling meThirst TrapandToo Hot to Drop Lumberjack. How the hell do they even know where to find these things? I mean, I’m an avid viewer of everything Ruby puts out now, but I wouldn’t have had a clue about it if she hadn’t shown me.

Anyway, the video with Delphine and me goes viral, and the CBS Morning Show has called to set up an interview. They’re coming out next week.

You can’t make this shit up.

It’s hectic, getting the emus situated. We have four here with us, and the rest are spread out for now. So far, they seem to be adjusting well, and we’ve been working on insulating sections of the three different barns they’re staying in until the ground thaws and we can build a new one for all of them at our place. Ruby goes back and forth between Theo and Sofie’s and Hilary and Abby’s each day, and they’ve all been great about helping where they can too.

We’re having the family over tonight for dinner and telling them about the wedding. We’ve already put the word out about having a party here after Christmas, and if my brothers didn’t already know, we would’ve just kept it asecret until then, but it’s too much to ask that of them. My brothers love surprises, but they aren’t always great about pulling them off. We pulled off a surprise party for Grinny because of massive guilt over missing the actual day, and Wyatt’s engagement party was another exception—I don’t think he could’ve pulled that one off without me.

After getting my morning chores done, I head to the house to see what Ruby’s up to. There were a pile of shipments for her when we got back from Utah, and they’ve been arriving daily. Every kind of size. She’s been quiet about what they are, and as I pick up a slew of new packages to take inside, my curiosity is piqued.

She got back from Theo’s an hour ago and I haven’t seen her much. When I step inside, Christmas music is playing and she’s stringing lights in the fresh greenery she’s hung on the fireplace. I put my hands on her waist and kiss her neck and she looks back at me, her sweet smile never failing to fill me up.

“I like that,” I tell her.

“I hope it’s okay. I’ve usually decorated everything in sight by now. I’m trying to show restraint.”
