Page 30 of Falling

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“But you’re good.Reallygood. I like how you explain your processes…and your videos are quality.”

He doesn’t go on more about it, but his simple statements feel like the highest praise I’ve ever gotten from anyone, ever. And I’m closing in on a million followers, so that’s saying a lot.

“Thank you,” I say. “Really…that means so much.”

He covers his hair with a beanie. “I’m not telling you anything you haven’t heard. People love you. Hundreds of comments on your posts…”

“You don’t seem like the kind to throw around compliments freely,” I admit. “Junior hated it.”

“Hated what?”

“That this is how I became successful.”

“Not the first time I’ve thought Junior must be an idiot.”

My cheeks and heart…and the rest of me…warms.

“You’re not wrong,” I say quietly, my lips lifting in a smile.

He just stares at me for a moment and then turns and walks out the door. He does that often too, just leaves without warning. My phone buzzes as he walks out and I check my texts.

Uncle Pierre

I can’t wait to see you. I’ll be in town by seven tomorrow night. Meet me at the restaurant?”

I’ll see you there. Can’t wait!

I’m so excited to see him and the restaurant too, but I have to admit, I’ll be sad to leave this place. It’s been the perfect oasis to get back on my feet after nearly wrecking my life.

I take extra pictures and video footage throughout the day, not just for me, but I get a lot of Callum too. When he originally said someone was picking up the milk and cheese last week, I had no idea two semitrucks would show up. I enjoy watching the loading of the trucks, seeing the bottles all lined up, and the assortment of cheeses. It’s all a much bigger deal than Callum made it out to be.

He seems relieved when the truck pulls away, and I wonder if this is when he’ll finally stop and take a break, but no, he moves to the ax and chops wood for a couple of hours…which is insanely mesmerizing to watch. Delphine, Irene, Dolly, and I keep a close eye on him the entire time he works. I will miss this too, the ax showandthe cows and goats.

I haven’t had the nerve to tell Uncle Pierre about Dolly yet. Now that I know we’re meeting at the restaurant, I realize I’ll either need to ask Uncle Pierre for a ride or Uber the mile or so into town and I can’t exactly haul Dolly into the back of a car with me. Callum has mentioned that Dolly can stay here even after I go stay with Uncle Pierre, to which I said I’d pay to board her here, but I still wish I had a better solution than depending on Callum any longer.

I should’ve mentioned her long before now, but I’d rather talk about all of it in person rather than say it over a text or phone call. Uncle Pierre is excited about my surprise visit, but I’m not sure how he’ll feel about the rest of my surprise.


Dolly…and I don’t want to leave Landmark Mountain. It’s been great for my social media, but even better forme. The pressures of keeping up my family’s business while growing my own, all while planning a wedding—I had no idea how exhausted I was.

Forcing myself away from Callum and his ax, I go insideso I can make sure my last night here is productive. Callum has refused board for Dolly and while I know my incessant chatter must be driving him up the wall, he’s barely acted annoyed at all. Even his grumbles have gotten less frequent. It’s probably wishful thinking, but I think he might even kind of like having me around.

Nah, definitely wishful thinking, but at least he’s been nice about the whole thing.

His refrigerator and pantry are a dream. Well-stocked and organized. For dinner, I make a spicy tofu curry with red peppers and mushrooms over rice and a huge salad. The only thing I find for dessert are ingredients for a chocolate pie, so I make that, taking my time with the homemade crust since it’s been a while since I’ve had the time to bake.

When he comes in to take a shower before dinner, he pauses as he walks toward the stairs. “What smells so good?”

“It’s a surprise.”

“That’s the best thing I’ve ever smelled.”

I laugh, taken by the excitement in his eyes. He turns and walks toward the oven and I step in front of it, catching us both by surprise when our chests collide.

“What is it?” His voice is low and makes my belly do this weird little dance.

“Nuh-uh-uh,” I sing, shaking my head. “No peeks.”
