Page 36 of Falling

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What was that?

That’s the question that’s been chiming through my head all night long.

Like a gong:What. Was.Thaaaaat.

I didn’t sleep at all.

When my ears weren’t straining to hear what might be going on in Callum’s room, I was reliving ourconversation over and over…and over and over…and didn’t even have to touch myself to feel the thrumming pulse between my legs.

I can’t believe any of it happened. I flip-flop between being so embarrassed I can’t think straight to laughing hysterically in my pillow. From thinking I can never look Callum Landmark in the eye again, to talking myself out of going back to his room and seeing if I imagined the whole thing.

There were a few seconds that I thought for sure he was going to kiss me, but hedidn’t, so now I’m almost positive I’ve romanticized the whole interaction.

The guy was just worked up for some reason and needed a release, pure and simple.

I obviously get it, the way I’ve been so hyperfocused on my own orgasms since I got here.

I’m not normally anything like this, and cannotbelieveI admitted any of that out loud when I’ve barely even acknowledged it to myself, but Callum…he’s a hot, healthy, virile guy who keeps a lot inside.

It’s no surprise the man has needs.

And I’m sure what happened last night had absolutely nothing to do with me.

My phone vibrates on the nightstand, interrupting myhow could I have said all that to Callumloop. I’m so eager to shut off my brain, I don’t even look to see who it is.


“It’s about time you answered my calls.”


My lip curls. “If I’d known it was you, I wouldn’t have.”

“What happened to us, Ruby? You break my heart on my wedding day and then talk to me like you’re the one who’s been wronged?”

I exhale toward the ceiling so the long gust doesn’t deafen his eardrums in the phone. Not because I’m full of generositywhere Junior is concerned, but because I want him to hear my next words.

“Since I was only going to last for a year and wasmehanyway, I’m certain your heart is very much intact.” If my voice could cut iron, it’d be in shreds right now.

He curses under his breath. “Ruby, look, you misunderstood me. I didn’t know you heard that, but…I can see why you’d think—”

“Don’t you dare gaslight me now, Junior Fitzgibbons. Why did you call? You got everything you wanted. Did you call to gloat or what?”

“Of course not, Ruby.” He sighs, still sounding like the wounded one.

I throw the covers back and start pacing the floor, my anger building with each step.

“I wish you’d talked to me instead of just…bolting,” he says. “I would’ve explained…”

“Yeah, you would’ve tried to bullshit me back into your bed, and you know what, Junior? It was never any good, so it wouldn’t have been worth it!”

“What do you mean it was never any good?” His voice takes on an edge. “Don’t pretend like we didn’t have—”

“Honestly, I didn’t really even try to pretend, that’s howbadyou were at paying attention to menotbeing satisfied in your bed,” I yell.

My eyes widen as I freeze, and then I tiptoe to the door and quietly open it. Callum is standing in his doorway, dressed for the day, looking all kinds of hot with his new haircut. His eyes do a quick sweep of me in my barely-there shorts and tank before lifting to my eyes and staying there.
