Page 51 of Falling

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My mouth waters and I swallow hard. “Is that what you’ve been doing?”

He smirks and shrugs. “I prefer to think of it as allowing you time to recover from your…strenuous circumstances, but…yeah, I was hogging you.”

A delighted laugh bursts out of me and it makes Callum’s smile widen. My heart practically thumps out of my skin.

“I needed the downtime more than you know,” I say. “If I hadn’t run into your snowdrift when I did and had this peaceful break—sort of like a forced vacation—I think I would’ve shut down or gotten sick. I was headed toward losing it for a while there…haven’t really admitted that to myself before now, but it’s the truth. It’s been a long year.” When I look at him, he’s listening intently, his eyes warm. “What are you thinking right now?”

He smiles. “I’m thinking that only you would think getting up at 4:45 every morning for the past two weeks is apeaceful break.”

I crack up at that. “I meant it!” I insist.

“I’m glad you found your way here, Ruby Sunshine.”

Happiness buzzes through me and I smile all the way to Sunny Side. It’s adorable inside with yellow and white boothsand turquoise accents. The Sunny Side branding is stellar with its yellow sun and clean black lines rising over the horizon. Callum’s family and Uncle Pierre are already there when we arrive, filling a long table and the surrounding cluster of booths. The place is humming with their chatter. Everyone says hello. Scarlett, Sofie, and Dakota come hug me, and I look around for Marlow.

“Your mom’s not here?” I ask Dakota.

“Not yet. She and my Wyatt wanted to go to the farmer’s market, but the baby is making Mama’s stomach feel yuck.”

“Oh no. I’m sorry to hear that,” I say, swooning at how she saysmy Wyatt.

“Me too. It sounded very awful hearing her frow—throw up,” she corrects herself, her little nose scrunching up.

“Poor Lo,” Sofie says. “Hopefully this phase will pass soon. She wasn’t sick for long with you, peanut,” she tells Dakota. “Let’s hope that carries over.”

Dakota sighs and nods like a grown-up and then her whole countenance changes when she sees Callum. She wraps her arms around his waist.

“I didn’t see you yet!” she squeals.

She lifts her arms and he picks her up without hesitation, giving her the biggest hug.

“You doin’ all right?” he asks when she pulls back and pats his face, studying him carefully.

“Your face isn’t hiding,” she says. “Where are all your hairs?” She pats his face again. “There’s not very many on your face, and”—she tugs his hair—“short,” she says matter-of-factly.

“What do you think?” He makes a funny face and she cackles. “Should I grow back my hairs and keep this face hidden?”

“No,” she says, laughing harder when he makes another face.

“You sure?”

“I’m sure.” She tries to catch her breath, still giggling as she pats the top of his head. “You’re pretty, Uncle Callum.”

He groans. “Thank you, Kota,” he forces out, shooting me a look when I giggle.

A few people I don’t recognize are sitting next to Grinny and Sutton, and the adorable elderly man next to Uncle Pierre stands up when Callum and I walk over.

“You must be Ruby,” he says, holding out his hand.

It’s more of a squeeze than a handshake, both of his hands encircling mine. My heart has already melted.

“I’ve heard so much about you,” he adds. “I’m Pappy, Jamison’s grandpa…and I’m a lucky guy because this crew around here has welcomed me in too. Here, have a seat.”

He motions for me to take the seat next to Uncle Pierre.

“It’s nice to meet you,” I tell him. “I don’t want to steal your seat though!”

He chuckles. “I’ve been wandering to each table saying hi. I think I left my jacket at that table, so I should probably get over there.” He beams at me and walks over to Grinny and Sutton’s table.
