Page 117 of Stay

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“Okay, see you soon.” I wave and then take off behind the barn and down the long driveway.

It’s a beautiful night, not too cold out, and I’m dressed warm enough to enjoy being out in the elements. I ride along the side of the street, seeing where Callum’s property turns into Theo’s and then where Sofie’s aunts are living now—the house where Sofie grew up, and alongside that is Sutton’s house and Grinny’s in the distance. Going between everyone’s houses while Tracy was in town gave me a better lay of the land than I’d previously had.

I turn back and drive to where they’re all waiting.

“How did it feel?” Sutton asks.

“Great.” I grin. “It’s the perfect night for this!”

Sutton gives me a big smile. “You look pretty comfortable on that thing.”

“I am. It runs even smoother than mine.” I glance at Owen who’s practically jumping up and down. “You ready for a ride?”

“Yes,” he yells.

Sutton helps Owen get on the back of my snowmobile and tells him to hang on tight.

Owen nods. “I will.” He demonstrates by gripping my sides as tight as he can.

I laugh. “Yep, he is.”

They get on their snowmobiles and Callum leads the way, Ruby goes next, and Sutton motions for me to go ahead of him. We go to the back of the property, way past the barn and before the line of trees thickens in front of the mountains. There are still a lot of trees, so we stay in a single line with a safe distance between us. It’s so peaceful out here, and we take our time, enjoying the ride.

When we reach Theo’s property, it opens up and Callum motions that we can spread out now instead of riding single file, and we all fan out, going a little faster than before. I’m still going slower than I normally ride with Weston, but there’s no way I’m doing that with Owen on the back. And it seems just fine with him—he’s loving this. He cackles as we dip here and there, and I laugh too, reminding him to hang on tight.

Ruby screams and points out something and I turn to look and see it at the last second, a fox running near me as fast as it can. To avoid hitting it, I move the wheel sharply and hit a rock or something bigger. I hear Sutton yelling. Whatever it is, we hit it and everything happens so fast.

“Owen! Hang?—”

The snowmobile turns like it’s going to land on its side or flip all the way, and my head hits something hard before everything goes dark.




“I’m calling 911,” Callum yells.

“Owen, Felicity!” I yell, over and over.

“Dad,” Owen cries, and relief floods through me.

Felicity is quiet.

The second I’m off my snowmobile, I’m rushing toward Owen and Felicity. Ruby and Callum are closer to Felicity and the looks on their faces terrify me.

“Is she okay?” I yell.

“Her pulse is strong, but she’s not opening her eyes,” Ruby says, crying.

I reach Owen first and he’s whimpering, tears running down his face. I check him for broken bones or any signs of harm, but it’s hard to tell in the snow.

“I’m right here, son. Don’t move yet, okay? We’re calling an ambulance. Does anything hurt?”

“Everything hurts,” he says. “But especially my arm.”

My eyes fill with tears. “I’m so sorry. Just hold as still as you can. I can’t tell with your coat on if anything’s broken yet. We’re going to the hospital. Do you hear that siren? That’s for you.”
