Page 134 of Stay

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“Thank you,” I whisper.

I clear my throat and take a deep breath.

“Felicity, every day I know you, I love you more. The love you show Owen, the love you show me, my family, it makes me so happy, so full, and I can’t believe that I almost let fear take this from me. I vow to show you every day how much I love you. I love you so much, I will take the chicken out of the canned chicken noodle soup because you don’t like it.”

Everyone laughs and it’s good because I was about to weep again.

“I will fill your vases with hydrangeas and peonies and dahlias because you love them. I will make trip after trip to the thrift store when you’re purging and organizing. I will respect you and honor you and support all of your endeavors, the ones you’re going after now, and the ones that will come in the future. I’m already old, but I want to grow old-old with you.”

I even laugh at this, and I kiss her hands.

“For as long as I live, I want to spend each day laughing with you, hearing your voice, seeing your smile, loving you completely. I want everything if everything means you. Till death do us part.”

Her lips tremble and she takes a deep breath.

“Sutton, loving you and Owen has been the best thing I’ve ever experienced, and just when I think it can’t get any better, it does. I vow to always fix your color-coded calendar if I accidentally mess it up.”

Owen laughs so hard at that, it makes everyone else laugh.

“I will never stop being curious with you. I will always be ready for our next adventure. I will only sayneverandalwaysin positive ways. I will be content with the way things are and I’ll also work to keep things new and exciting. I will tell you my secrets, my hopes, my fears, and I will hold yours safe too. I vow to love you forever.” Her voice shakes when she adds, “I want everything if everything meansyou. Till death do us part.”

“Beautiful,” Pappy says. “By the power vested in me by the state of Colorado, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may share your first married kiss!”

Oh, I’m all over that. I have my mouth on hers in the next second and dip her back to seal it in good and proper. When I lift her back up, she looks dazed and so, so happy.

“I love you, Mrs. Landmark,” I tell her.

She looks at me and smiles that smile that will always make me weak in the knees. I kiss her again and hear her telling me she loves me against my lips.

It feels like my life has truly begun.
