Page 57 of Stay

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“I’d give anything to be good at organization,” Sofie says. “And I can’t plan anything too far ahead to save my life. I’m opening a horse rescue, but all the red tape and paperwork involved with starting something like this has been exhausting.”

“I could look over any legal jargon or help organize…whatever you need,” I offer. “Or…you probably have Sutton do that.”

“He’s always willing to help, but sometimes I feel silly asking him about the minutia.”

“Well, ask away anytime. I’m happy to look at any paperwork, and I literally get giddy about organizing. Put me in a hoarder’s home and let me have at it, I’d be in heaven. Or color-coding someone’s schedule…or labeling everything in the pantry—I wonder if Sutton would mind if I did that. His pantry could use it and he’s organized!”

They laugh like they’re not sure if I’m serious or not, but then Ruby says, “I bet he’d love it. Do it. And I’m going to take you up on this. Come over sometime this week and look at these papers and charge me an hourly rate.”

“No way. I’m not charging you.”

“We’re watching a business coming to life right here in this pasture,” Ruby says. “And I could use help organizing my website orders. I need a system to make the process simpler.”

“You guys, I’m happy to do this just because,” I insist.

“Yeah, but you’ll need capital for your business expenses, such as your website, and whatever else comes with organizing,” Ruby says.

“You’re great with kids too. Have you ever thought of pursuing that beyond nannying?” Sofie asks.

I pause and turn to look at her. “You know…I’ve always liked being around kids but didn’t know how much until Owen and Dakota. It’s been so fun. And recently, I had a memory of when I was little—I told my parents I was going to be a teacher when I grew up. My parents corrected me and said being a lawyer was my future…to carry on the family business and all that. It was the first time I heard what was expected of me. I let go of all thought of being a teacher and hadn’t even considered it again.”

“You’d have to be organized and an excellent planner to be a teacher,” Sofie says, lifting a shoulder, her eyes smiling.

Ruby reaches out and squeezes my arm. “Maybe it’s time to dream again.”

I nod, feeling like I might cry for some reason.

“Thanks for indulging me. You both have me thinking about the possibilities.” I rub my arms and look at my watch. “Oh wow, I can’t believe it’s so late. I need to run and pick up Owen. This helped today, thank you. I didn’t know how much I needed to talk about some of this.”

“Anytime. We’re happy to help you hash it out,” Ruby says.

Sofie nods. “Absolutely. And tell Owen that Theo and I will be at the game tonight cheering him on.”

“Callum and I are coming too,” Ruby says, doing a little dance.

They both hug me goodbye, and I leave feeling much better than when I came.




It’s a rush to make it to the game on time, and I don’t pull it off, pulling into the parking lot fifteen minutes after the game’s started. I jog inside, feeling like a shit parent for being late. The first thing I hear is a whistle and then Felicity cheering,“Go, Owen!”at a pitch I didn’t know she had in her. I chuckle undermy breath and round the corner, pausing for a second at the sight she makes.

Surrounded by my family, she’s front and center between Grinny and Dakota, holding up a sign that says,Owen’s #1 Fanin huge colorful letters. I wouldn’t be able to hide the massive grin on my face if I tried.

I quickly glance out on the ice and my boy is scrambling out there. They’re up by a point and the other team is making them work for it. When the puck is passed to Owen, he flies with it, but he’s offside and the play stops.

“What the hell was that, Landmark?” Lance Hicks yells. “Get it together, you little twerp.”

At my kid.

My blood starts boiling. Lance is Micah’s dad, and from what I can tell, Lance is raising Micah to be just like him, a little jerk.

I move in closer. No one has seen me yet, but I’m going to make sure Lance knows I heard him and don’t appreciate him calling Owen out like that.

“Hey,” Felicity yells, walking over to Lance. “You’ve been yelling rude things to these kids since they started playing, specifically Owen when he’s playing adamn goodgame. They don’t need to hear you talking like that. You have something to say, take it up with the coach later, but keep your foul mouth shut.”
