Page 15 of Silver Fox's Baby

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“I can’t balance this ridiculous schedule with Connorandtry to have a life of my own. It’s damn near impossible.”

“Look, school is school. Like I said, plenty of hours in the day. It’s not his fault you had to leave town. Besides, I offered to keep him through the week, and you have him on the weekends.” I ignore the way Ms. Everett looks up at me. “You said—”

“Thatdoesn’twork for me, and you know that.” Her tone is sharp. “I know you resent being stuck there while I am out here trying to have a life. God knowswhatyou tell Connor.”

I run my hand over my face. “Maddie, I’m trying to make things work.”

“You’re mad that I’m getting married again. Jealous.”

“I don’t care that you’re getting remarried. I’m happy you found someone.” My stomach tightens as I say the words.

I don’t want her for myself. I don’t love her anymore.

That ship has long sailed, and too much has been said and done for things to ever have a chance to go beyond us being civil for our son.

But with the end of my marriage, my chance for love was also lost.

I might not be looking for it again, but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t something we all crave.

Maddie sighs. “Whatever. Look, I don’t have time for this now. I’m about to board the plane to head back home.”

“You want me to take him to your place later?”

“I won’t be home until late. I need to go meet with our wedding planner.”

“Of course, you do.”

“What? At least one of us has a life. Oh, right. You have your cute little part-time job. Pathetic.”

I shrug off her words. “Have a nice evening.” I hang up

Nothing good ever comes out of arguing with my ex-wife. Setting the phone down, I brace to face Ms. Everett.

I’m sure she has a lot of questions about what she just heard.

I sigh.

I look up to where I left her, but she’s already gone, and I can’t decide if that is a blessing or a curse.



“Connor is so cool.” Dorian climbs into the car. “We have so much in common. You know that YouTuber, Nellie Sue? He watches her, too!”

“And I bet he has some massive crush on her?” I offer, sending my brother a teasing look.

“No.” Dorian’s face grows nearly as red as my hair. “No one has a crush on her. She’s way too old for us anyway. She’s like... fifteen.”

“That’s only three years.” I giggle. “Just wait until you’re thirty. Then she’ll only be thirty-three. It’ll be like nothing between the two of you.”

“No way. I’m gonna have kids by the time I’m that age.”

I nearly choke. “What? Since when are you planning to have kids? You’re only twelve!”

He averts my eyes. “I don’t know. I think having kids would be cool. Plus, maybe by then I’ll be able to run and play with them, you know? I can’t really do much for myself now.” He shrugs,hugging his backpack in his lap. “Did you know Connor plays football?”

I sigh, a weary feeling pooling in my chest for some weird reason. “That’s really cool. Where does he go to school at?”
