Page 17 of Silver Fox's Baby

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Before our conversation can go any further, a couple approaches the bar. I never saw the man before, but there is something familiar about the golden blonde woman who has a straight nose and dark brown eyes.

The man is probably a good ten years older than the woman.

Where have I seen her before? Who is she?

“What can I get you?” I smile.

“Um, well, this is our first time here.” The woman beams, leaning against the bar. Her cleavage nearly spills right out. “I’m Madeline Banks, and this is my fiancé, Richard Sikes. We’re actually considering hosting an after party here.”

I nod, but all the only thing echoing in my head isBanks.“I see.”

Is she somehow related to Hard-ass Banks?

That is none of my business. I smile at the couple. “I’ll just grab my manager.”

“Oh, of course.” Her demeanor changes from nice and open toYou’re just a bartenderkind of glance. I don’t care. I’ve learned that it’s the norm for some of the customers. “Why don’t yougo find your manager and then provide us both with your best white Russian?”

I nod. “Just a minute.” I turn, flagging down Lindsey and explaining the situation.

“Our manager isn’t in yet,” Lindsey says to Madeline Banks. “He’ll be here in about an hour. He stepped out a few minutes ago to run a few errands. Have a few drinks, and by then, he’ll be back.”

“Hmm.” Madeline scoffs. “And the drinks will be on the house, right? It is entirely unprofessional that your management is gone.”

I watch as Lindsey frowns but then relents. “Fine. Two drinks each on the house. Our treat.”

Ugh. That means it’s coming out ofourpaycheck.

“Wonderful.” Madeline beams, clapping her hands together.

I don’t miss the freshly manicured red nails and the way she eyes me.

She turns to me, chin high up. “Why do you keep looking at me, honey? You want to know where I got my dress or something?”

My face grows hot. “Your dress is gorgeous.”

And it is. Not really my style, though, as it is averytight, lowcut black bodycon dress. “But actually, it was your last name that caught my attention.”

Her plump lips turn down. “Of course. It always tips everyone off. No, I’m not related to Jasper Banks. I once was, though, since I was married into the family. My husband was Aiden Banks, who’s a professor at the university. We’redivorcednow.” Madeline leans over, draping her arms around Richard, who hasn’t even muttered a singlewordthis entire time. “I’ve met someone so much more attentive and wonderful.”

“Oh, I see.”

ThisisDr. Banks’s ex-wife. The one that let Connor down, flying away without a second thought. The one Dr. Banks was arguing with earlier this week on the phone.

I thought maybe she had an important reason to disappoint her son last week, but now?

What kind of woman blows off seeing her son to come to a bar?

“You seem to be dumbstruck.” Madeline giggles at me.

“Oh, let her be, Maddie. She looks exhausted. She probably has a lot to deal with working in an establishment like this.” He looks around scrunching his nose. “Not everyone is fortunate to be as beautiful or as well in life as you.”

Uh... Ouch?

“Sorry.” She rolls her eyes, leaning against the counter as I finish up their drinks.

I place two white Russians down for them, watching carefully as they take a sip. I halfway expect them to hate the drinks. But instead, Madeline breaks into a smile.

“Ah, now,thisis good.” She beams, turning to look at me. “How long have you been bartending?”
