Page 23 of Silver Fox's Baby

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It’s just because I’m failing the class.

“How’s your brother feeling?”

My heart squeezes. “I don’t know... He seemed to be in some pain still when I dropped him off at school. I’m hoping that it subsides...”

“Oh, Mel. I’m so sorry.”

“It’s okay.” I avoid her gaze. “We’ll deal with it as it comes.”

After the accident, I was told that he would be fine eventually. Most likely, once he was full grown, but none of us any idea that before that, he would spend so much of his life in pain.

And that the medical bills would pile up.

“Mel.” Fran’s voice is soft as her hand falls gently on my shoulder, the same one that Dr. Banks touched earlier.

I dip it away, the memory of the way his voice affected my body coming back to mind. My face heats up, but I do my best to try and hide it.

“I just have a lot on my mind.” I finally meet her gaze, forcing a smile. “It’ll all be fine.”

“Right.” Fran frowns at me.

“I’ll be fine.”

“If you say so...” Her voice trails off, and then she smiles. “Oh hey, by the way, there is something I’ve been meaning to ask you.”

My stomach flips. “Yeah?”

“You need more of a life outside school, work, and your brother, so I’m telling you right now to mark a night on your schedule to go out with me.?”

“What? Go out?” I narrow my eyes at her. “I already told you I can’t...”

“Yeah, yeah, I know you can’t, but youneedit.”

I purse my lips.

“Don’t do that. It’ll give you wrinkles. So, here is the deal. I’m taking you out with me. It’ll be a few weeks from here, but it isa surprise. You’ll be my date. I mean, a friend date.” She giggles and winks at me. “Sorry, beautiful, but I don’t lean that way.”

I roll my eyes but smile. “I know, but honestly, I don’t think I have time for something like that.”

“Come on, it’sonenight.”

“Where are you taking me? Or what am I supposed to wear?”

“Leave that up to me. When the time comes, you’ll get all the details. For now, just relax and know you and I will go out. You need to get your mind off of everything going on around you, and maybe just focus on yourself. Foronenight.”

“I don’t know...”

“Ugh.” She pouts her bottom lip out. “Stop being difficult. This is as much for me as it is for you.”

I groan, running my fingers through my tangled hair. It’s a royalwrecktoday.

If it was like this the day I fell asleep in class, Dr. Banks would’ve run away even faster.

“It’s decided. You don’t need to worry about a thing. I’ll even arrange a babysitter for Dorian. My parents would be up for it, I’m sure. I’ve told them all about you.”

I sigh, the pang of jealousy hitting harder than I want to admit.

I always try to forget that Fran still lives at home with her parents. Her job here is for fun, mostly. They pay for everything that she can’t cover herself.
